Scottish Daily Mail



Today, I’m using a letter from a reader, Barbara, to help me answer another reader, Peter. Hi Oscar, There will be six planets retrograde in august. What should we expect?

Peter Dear Oscar, I know communicat­ion can be more difficult when Mercury is retrograde, but it does seem as if there’s more confusion than usual!

Barbara WITh the Sun’s move into Virgo in august, which occurs in between Mercury and Mars turning direct, natural order will soon be resumed. ARIES YOU seem Mar 21 — Apr 20 surrounded by melodrama. At least one person with an important role in your life is creating a drama which is drawing you in. So, if you don’t mind being involved in a pointless debacle, you can just carry on as you are. But it’s likely this person is choosing to put themselves into an extreme scenario just so they can inflame a reaction. Focusing on what you want to do, rather than allowing this to interfere with your current action plan, is the best policy to follow. August is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your inspiring four-minute guide to the month, call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS SOME people Apr 21 — May 21 delight in following recipes when they cook. Others follow their intuition. The latter take the ingredient­s available, add a pinch of this and a shake of that, and they create a dish. Being able to improvise takes confidence… you have to be able to deal with the consequenc­es of an inedible, or barely edible, dinner! Although you’re not usually keen on throwing caution to the wind (at least, not in the kitchen), your spontaneou­s side is being encouraged today. Enjoy it!

Your in-depth August monthly forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI IF YOU think May 22 — June 22 about the conversati­ons that are taking place now, and all the words being written, all the emails and texts that are being sent and all the phone calls that are being made, it’s clear that planet Earth is a place where communicat­ion is considered to be of extreme importance. We’ve all got something to say. Unfortunat­ely, we’re not all as good at listening as we are at talking. Although you may feel your voice isn’t being heard, today brings reassuring news. All you need to know about August is packed into your four-minute forecast. Make it a magical month, call 0906 751 5603. CANCER YOU’VE recently June 23 — July 23 discovered that what once seemed to be a very good idea is more problemati­c than you had imagined. As you’ve assimilate­d this informatio­n, you’ve also realised that what once seemed to be a bad idea holds a lot of promise. No wonder you’re perplexed — you can’t tell which of your ideas is worth following. Yet you’re more incisive and clear-minded than you think. The problem, if there is one, is that you’re quick to judge yourself. Your level of self-confidence is on the up. Make August a magical month! Find out how in your latest in-depth, four minute forecast. For good news, call 0906 751 5604. LEO UNLESS you July 24 — Aug 23 have a desire for knowledge, education becomes a chore. Students need a hunger for discovery and a passion for wisdom. No one thirsts to be told something irrelevant or obvious. When our appetite is whetted, we find the energy to plough through the most detailed books and listen attentivel­y, even if the teacher is dull. You need informatio­n now. If you can encourage your enthusiasm, you’ll find you have an impressive ability to absorb valuable knowledge. August is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your inspiring four-minute guide to the month, call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO WE’RE told to be Aug 24 — Sep 23 careful what we wish for because we might get it. Fulfilling a dream and then finding that it doesn’t bring the happiness we thought it would is a very unsatisfac­tory feeling. But, although it’s worth thinking about what we want, it doesn’t mean we should stop wishing for our dreams to come true. Especially when we have the planet of wishes in our sign. With Venus in Virgo, if you’re hoping for an experience that will warm your heart, the signs are very hopeful indeed. Your in-depth August monthly forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA IF THERE’S a secret Sep 24 — Oct 23 you’re intent on keeping, no one can access it. No matter how good their mind-reading skills are, if you don’t want to reveal it, you don’t have to. How, then, do half-truths come about? They arise when we have a secret desire to share informatio­n. Someone’s now giving out thinly disguised signals because they want you to understand something they’re finding hard to say. Investigat­e with care; you’ll make a very important discovery that will help them, as well as you. All you need to know about August is packed into your four-minute forecast. Make it a magical month, call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO WE CHOOSE our Oct 24 — Nov 22 friends, but we don’t choose our relatives. None of us was shown a list of aunties, uncles and siblings and asked with whom we’d like to be related. Of course, some of us choose to remove ourselves from people with whom we have family ties. But, according to legal advisors — whose job it is to find long-lost relatives who have been left money — most folk accept the family connection in the end. As Mars and Uranus create a drama with the people close to you, there are hidden benefits.

Make August a magical month! Find out how in your latest in-depth, four minute forecast. For good news, call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S LIFE is Nov 23 — Dec 21 full of dangers. From the tins we open, which could cut our hands, to the heat of the equipment we use to cook, which could burn our skin, we’re surrounded by hazards . . . to say nothing of the dangers of life outside the home. Simply crossing the street brings potential peril our way. So should you stay indoors, surrounded by soft furniture, and stick to a raw food diet? No! You’re not one who lives in fear. Let go of your current worry. It’s time to relax. August is positively charged with astrologic­al promise. For your inspiring four-minute guide to the month, call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN IT’S EASY to Dec 22 — Jan 20 overlook a surprising physical response to a situation. Without taking it too seriously, sometimes your instinct is pointing out something you need to know. Conversely, you can worry unnecessar­ily because you’ve picked up on a ‘vibe’. How are you supposed to know which is the right way to feel? Well, if you start by not worrying, you’ll be able to hear what your intuition is telling you today. And, with Mercury connecting to Pluto in your sign, try not to listen to any misgivings. Your in-depth August monthly forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS DOES the Jan 21 — Feb 19 saying, ‘heaven helps those who help themselves’ mean that greediness will be rewarded? Are those ambitious individual­s who reach the top of their profession­s being rewarded by a cosmic force? We imagine that their lives are touched with stardust and that they lead a dream-come-true existence. But we don’t know how they really feel or what price they paid for success. Since you’re motivated to achieve something now, do it for someone else. You’ll benefit, too. All you need to know about August is packed into your four-minute forecast. Make it a magical month, call 0906 751 5611. PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20 YOU’RE intuitive by nature. There are times you just ‘know’ something without anyone saying anything to you. You don’t need to have the facts, you simply go with your gut feelings and that’s that — you’re right. Future circumstan­ces simply confirm what you already know. Yet, you’re not correct all the time. There are moments when your instincts aren’t as accurate as you’d like. These, though, are the instincts that are motivated by fear. Only allow yourself to be guided by inspiratio­n today. Make August a magical month! Find out how in your latest in-depth, four minute forecast. For good news, call 0906 751 5612.

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