Scottish Daily Mail

Strictly star’s agony as acid attacker is set to be freed

- By Christian Gysin

ACID victim Katie Piper has said her appearance on Strictly Come Dancing will be a ‘positive distractio­n’ – after finding out her attacker is to be freed from prison.

Stefan Sylvestre, who threw acid over the former model and TV presenter, will be released after serving just nine years of a life sentence.

The Parole Board has decided he has shown enough ‘remorse’ to be allowed back on the streets, despite leaving his victim scarred for life.

Last night it emerged the mother of two, 34, had appeared personally at the parole hearing to say she would be devastated if he was granted early release.

Miss Piper – who will appear in the BBC show this autumn – was attacked in 2008 by Sylvestre, who threw sulphuric acid in her face on the orders of an obsessive ex-boyfriend.

However, the board has decided he no longer poses a danger to the public and he is set to be released within a matter of weeks.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Miss Piper said: ‘I felt it was important to put a message out to my friends, supporters and followers.

‘This is a really difficult time for me. I am trying to come to terms with the decision and this is something I need to deal with.

‘Over the past two weeks Strictly has already given me such a welcome and positive distractio­n from my past.

‘Whilst there is never a good time to hear this news, I am glad I have this new journey to concentrat­e on. Thank you for your continued support. Love Katie.’

The decision to free Sylvestre was made despite three separate experts recommendi­ng he be moved to an open prison before being considered for release. Yesterday Harry Fletcher, director of campaign group Voice 4 Victims, said: ‘This looks like another extraordin­ary decision by the Parole Board.

‘In cases like Katie’s involving violence, all victims will be extremely anxious and frightened about the release of attackers.

‘It is essential the parole conditions offer total protection to the victim and further evidence must be provided by the Minister for Justice as

‘Anxious and frightened’

to why the Parole Board thinks that the public is safe from this offender.’

Miss Piper was left fighting for her life after ex-boyfriend Daniel Lynch arranged for Sylvestre to throw acid on her in March 2008. She had to have 40 operations to treat her burns.

Sylvestre, now 30, from west London, was given a life sentence in 2009 and told he must serve a minimum of six years before he would be eligible for parole. A Parole Board spokesman said: ‘Parole Board decisions are solely focused on whether a prisoner would represent a significan­t risk to the public after release.

‘Mr Sylvestre is now 30 years of age and was just 19 when he committed the index offence. He was drawn into a criminal lifestyle in his teens and was involved with drugs.’

They added that he had avoided violence in prison and had gained ‘employment­related skills and improved his education’.

He had also displayed ‘empathy’ for his victim and ‘expressed remorse and shame for his actions’.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: ‘Public protection is our priority and while we understand public concern, it is vital we respect the independen­ce of the Parole Board.’

Lynch was jailed for life with a minimum of 16 years for sexually assaulting Miss Piper and telling Sylvestre to attack her.

The pair had dated briefly before Lynch , who had a previous conviction for pouring boiling water over a man, became obsessivel­y jealous after being dumped.

 ??  ?? Scarred for life: Katie Piper will appear on Strictly this autumn
Scarred for life: Katie Piper will appear on Strictly this autumn
 ??  ?? Violent: Stefan Sylvestre. Right, Miss Piper after attack
Violent: Stefan Sylvestre. Right, Miss Piper after attack
 ??  ??

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