Scottish Daily Mail


Cheery salvias will pep up your plot and bloom into November


Has the saharan summer spoilt your garden? If so, pep it up with salvias. Besides culinary sage there are roughly a thousand species, plus hundreds of garden hybrids to choose from. European salvias flower in early to midsummer but New World varieties are in full swing now. Many flower until November. The best known, Salvia

splendens, is from Brazil and has scarlet petals above nettlelike leaves.

It is tender and grown as bedding, but like many american varieties will survive winter if protected. Mine came through this year’s late-March freeze thanks to mulching.

Most salvias prefer fertile, freedraini­ng soil in good light. The tallest need support, but lowergrowi­ng varieties develop into loose, colourful mounds. If flowering falters in summer, cut back tired stems and await new shoots with fresh blooms.

New World salvias have elegant hook-shaped flowers, often with intense colouring. Their foliage can be aromatic, but less so than their European cousins.

all are easy to propagate. Many will grow from seed but you can take soft cuttings at any time. Root yours now and you’ll have young plants in a few weeks, though they will need winter protection.

specialist nurseries stock the best selections. Try ashwood, ashwoodnur­series.

com, and


ThE most intensely blue varieties include Salvia

cacaliifol­ia and S. patens whose petals are shaped like parrot bills. Both are clump-forming.

One of the tallest, S. uliginosa or bog sage, flowers from early autumn. If grown in moisturere­tentive soil, tall wavy stems can reach 2m and carry brilliant kingfisher-blue flowers

S. fulgens has the hottest red flowers but those of S. x jamensis Royal Bumble are scarlet, too. Both are easy to control and suitable for small spaces. By contrast Brazilian S. confertifl­ora, is massive with handsome leaves and thin spires of rusty red flowers.

Loftiest among calmer-coloured varieties, S. guaranitic­a, has dark-skinned 2m stems, nettlelike leaves and purple-blue flowers. It’s for a wide border.

Salvia amistad — also tall — will flourish in a big pot or a border. The flowers are rich violet, with dark calyces. Salvia amistad is easy to control and blooms from May to October.

Salvia Wendy’s Wish, has pink flowers and rust-flushed calyces.


MID-SIZED shrubby varieties flower almost constantly. Many were developed from S. greggii and S. microphyll­a. The showy flowers of S. microphyll­a are usually crimson but can also be pink or purple. Those of

S.greggii can be red, purple, pink, orange or white.

Varieties include purple Nachtvlind­er through pinks and reds to peachy California sunset and cream sierra san antonio.

shrubby salvias are easy to grow in a sheltered sunny spot but some will go leggy, especially in part-shade. Prevent that by removing too long or exhausted stems to bring on new shoots.

Root soft cuttings in freedraini­ng potting compost. Cuttings rooted by October become young plants for overwinter­ing in a frost-free greenhouse or on a windowsill.

Protect outdoor plants by covering their roots with a thick mulch. You can also dig up and divide clump-forming varieties — but do that next april. For now, enjoy the flowers.

 ??  ?? Pink and perky: Varieties such as mid-sized Salvia greggii flower profusely
Pink and perky: Varieties such as mid-sized Salvia greggii flower profusely
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