Scottish Daily Mail

Corbynista tells poor to launch ‘luxury Communist revolution’

- By Simon Walters

THE Left-wing politician leading Jeremy Corbyn’s drive to sack moderate MPs has called on Labour supporters to ‘rise up’ and start a ‘luxury Communism revolution’ in Britain.

Labour MP Chris Williamson said it was time to reward the ‘bloody hard work of ordinary working people’ by helping them grab more of the nation’s wealth.

He urged them to make Mr Corbyn prime minister to achieve what he called ‘luxury Communism’ where robots do all the work. Mr Williamson was addressing activists in Croydon, South London on the latest stage of his self-styled Democracy Roadshow nationwide tour.

The Derby North MP savaged Mrs May’s Government: ‘Who are they exercising power for? Cos it ain’t us. We don’t want people to work until they drop. What’s wrong with that?’

He said Labour should take a lead from the 1988 pop song, Talkin’ Bout A Revolution, by British singer Tracy Chapman. Reciting the words, Mr Williamson said: ‘Yes, we are talking about a revolution. Poor people are going to rise up and get their share, take what’s theirs.’

He continued: ‘The wealth of this country has been brought about by the bloody hard work of ordinary working people and we want it shared around.

‘The future belongs to us comrades. We’re going to change this country forever.’ Mr Williamson, who frequently defends Mr Corbyn on television and radio, endorsed the trendy utopian Left-wing philosophy ‘fully automated luxury communism,’ whereby jobs are abolished in a post-work robot society. He also called for a return of the ‘municipal socialism’ of Derek Hatton, expelled in 1986 for his role in Militant Tendency in Liverpool.

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