Scottish Daily Mail

Should French fishermen be let into British waters after we quit the EU?


AS FRANCE had no rights to fish in UK waters before we joined the EEC, why does it expect to have the right to fish in our waters after we leave? We are happy to sell France fish caught legally by Britishreg­istered fishing vessels. For years they have had to land fish at ports far away from their home port because of EU policies. French fishing vessels from Normandy can fish and land on their Atlantic coast. Problem solved. I’m sure British fishing vessels wouldn’t be allowed to fish for scallops in French waters. BILL WESTSMITH, Cobham, Surrey. ONE of Theresa May’s red lines is that we will have complete authority over our fishing areas. But France is saying it will block a future trade deal if it doesn’t get fishing rights. We should not be held to ransom or allow the EU to dictate terms. The EU needs to export lots of goods into the UK so we have

a strong hand, but we need to use it, not capitulate. K. MARTIN, New Milton, Hants. FRANCE has a Mediterran­ean coastline, an Atlantic coastline, half the English Channel, and access to the waters around the Republic of Ireland. How much more do the French want? It’s a case of greed, not need! B STEVEN, Glenrothes, Fife. FRANCE’S President Macron says that unless we give his country free and full access to our fishing grounds, he will use the ludicrous backstop deal to keep us tied into the customs union for ever. This will make entering new trade deals around the world impossible. And we can do nothing about it, courtesy of this awful deal. PHILIP CODD, Manchester. THE future of the UK’s fishing industry is on a knife-edge. President Macron’s demand that French boats be allowed to fish in British waters is the action of neither a ‘partner’ nor a ‘friend’. No doubt many other European fishing countries will demand the same rights. Hopefully, Theresa May will live up to her rhetoric about the UK’s coastal waters being totally under British control and will not submit further to the EU bullies. If not, no deal is looking better by the day. BOB MacDOUGALL, Kippen, Stirlingsh­ire. WE HAVE been warned that the EU is threatenin­g the future of our national dish — fish and chips. We import cod and haddock, which could become subject to tariffs if we do not allow EU states access to our fishing grounds. Surely tariffs on imports into the UK will be a matter for us to determine as a free and independen­t trading nation. We could decide to impose zero tariffs on food. And what would the reaction of European fishermen be if the EU scuppers their sales to us? JAYNE ISAAC, Maesteg, Mid Glamorgan.

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