Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


HONDA is retreating to Japan, will Nissan and Toyota say sayonara too? Perhaps it will be auf wiedersehe­n to the Mini, the Bentley and the Rolls-Royce. Maybe it will be ta-ta to the Jaguar and Land Rover, owned by Indian giant Tata. British car manufactur­ing is now reliant on foreign ownership.

N Black, West lothian.

WEAR your clothes only once (Femail)? My wardrobe has a 20-year spiral from Sunday posh to supermarke­t shopping, sloppy in the house and gardening — before being recycled.

DOUG JENNINGS, Mickleton, Glos.

VICTORIA BECKHAM has missed out on her true vocation as a comedian. Her fashions and their prices make me laugh.

BIll kINGSMaN, Maidstone, kent.

RBS: bumper profits, bumper bonuses, bumper closures.

J. WalMSlEY, Bury, Gtr Manchester.

HOW has Jeremy Corbyn lost the plot (Mail)? Did he ever have it in the first place?


SUNDAY roasts and toast create toxic fumes in the home (Mail)? I agree with author Kingsley Amis that no pleasure is worth giving up just to spend an extra two years in an old people’s home.

JOHN REvEll, Sudbury, Suffolk.

THE sort of mistake most of us made at 15 was drinking cider in the park, not heading off to Syria to join a terrorist organisati­on.

PaUl RUaNE, cannington, Somerset.

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