Scottish Daily Mail



ANGELA MIDDLETON MBE, 56, is CEO and founder of The MiddletonM­urray Group, an award-winning apprentice­ship provider and consultanc­y. She lives in West London and has two children aged 25 and 26. Angela weighs 7st 5lb and is 5ft 2in tall. She says: Looking at my six-pack, i can hardly believe that just three years ago i stared at the roll of fat on my stomach and resigned myself to having a middle-aged spread. i’d always done cardio classes, and until i hit 50 i could eat whatever i wanted. Suddenly, i began gaining weight, especially around my middle, reaching 9st. Frustrated, i did 15 bootcamps in one month yet there was still no change. Around the same time, my son was lifting weights with terrific results, so in october 2016 i signed up to a weight training and nutritiona­l programme. By January 2017 i’d only lost a few pounds but followed the plan to the letter, including five weight-training sessions a week doing weighted squats and dumbbell presses, and 10,000 steps minimum a day. i gave up pasta and alcohol, and got seven-and-a-half hours’ sleep every night. Adequate sleep aids weight loss. now i start the day with a Bulletproo­f coffee — a special blend mixed with a tablespoon of butter from grass-fed cows which helps the body burn fat by boosting your metabolism. After my morning workout, i eat porridge and eggs. Lunch might be chicken salad and a greek yoghurt, while dinner is poultry, salmon or beef with lentils or sweet potato and veg. i snack on mango, nuts and berries and eat 1,900 calories a day. i walk around London between meetings to rack up 15,000 steps a day. Within eight months, my flabby tummy had vanished, replaced by an impressive six-pack. i feel strong, powerful and more confident. i don’t ever want my abs to be hidden under a layer of fat again.

 ??  ?? Trim: Angela now and (inset) three years ago
Trim: Angela now and (inset) three years ago

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