Scottish Daily Mail



WE TALKED recently about how some rules are made to be broken. This is especially true when we’re the ones who have set them! As the New Moon approaches a tense relationsh­ip with revolution­ary Uranus, be ready to embrace the idea of doing things differentl­y. It’s time to believe in how things could be, rather than accept how they are. Stability is important. But sometimes playing fast and loose is the only way to win.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

IT’S ONE thing being able to envisage a glorious day when everything will be transforme­d, phoenix-like, into a new beginning filled with possibilit­ies and potential. It’s quite another to plot your route to that desired idyll. Until we’re able to do so, the former remains a distant dream. So what about the opportunit­ies facing you now? What are you willing to do to turn your dream into reality? The Dark of the Moon reveals how much you’re already doing. Freeing your imaginatio­n will do the rest. A new month! A powerful New Moon! A forecast that could transform your life! Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

PEOPLE have very good acting skills. They come across as being tough, but they’re hiding their vulnerabil­ity and their desire to please. It’s hard to know how some folk will react; even when you tread gently, there’s a risk that you might set off an emotional volcano. Your sensitivit­y is alerting you to the precarious position that a friend or a colleague finds themselves dealing with. You don’t want to say the wrong thing, but you do need to say something. However they react, trust that you’ve done your best. A powerful New Moon marks the start of an exciting month. Take advantage of the cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

WE’RE all guilty of allowing our fears to get on top of us. We can all become a little paranoid or depressed and withdraw from the world for a while. Sooner or later, however, the cloud of negativity lifts — as it always does — and we realise that we can see the brighter side of things again. Life means little if we can’t enjoy it and, if we allow someone to deprive us of joy, we risk losing our equilibriu­m. Focus on how much you have to celebrate; then everything else will become possible. August begins and ends with a New Moon! Your month holds great potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

IF YOU think about what you were wearing a few years ago, you’ll see how swiftly fashion changes. But it’s not just what we wear that goes in and out of vogue; attitudes also change over time. Since we all want to be accepted, we’re influenced by the beliefs and opinions of the people around us. History shows us that ideas that were once acceptable, were absolutely wrong. In the sensitive time of the Dark of the Moon, it’s vital that you stand your ground and don’t conform to a dubious standard. A new month! A powerful New Moon! A forecast that could transform your life! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

IT’S IN those rare moments, when life brings us close to the edge, that we realise that the edge is more distant than we thought it was. That’s when we lose our fear. Walking in such uncertain territory can be an invaluable experience. This is special ground, where we can find and harvest unusual produce that will help us on our way. As we approach the New Moon in your sign, you can move on from a recent difficulty. Take courage. You’re about to benefit from a recent sense of loss. A powerful New Moon marks the start of an exciting month. Take advantage of the cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

ADAPTABILI­TY is a key word for Virgos. You’re born with an inbuilt flexibilit­y that would be the envy of Olympic gymnasts. Your ability to bend — but never snap — under pressure is unparallel­ed. Right now, though, those powers are being tested to the extent that you’re beginning to regret a recent choice. But you’re determined by nature, too. It takes a lot to stop you from pursuing your goal. So, try to see the positives in a tricky situation. The Dark of the Moon highlights all that is good. (There’s more than you think.) August begins and ends with a New Moon! Your month holds great potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

‘I HAVE learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.’ These words, from the poet, Khalil Gibran, remind us that we often learn the most from people who don’t even realise that they’re teaching. There’s an important difference between copying someone else’s behaviour and choosing to adapt to a new way of thinking and being. In the Dark of the Moon, be sure to honour who you are and speak your truth. A new month! A powerful New Moon! A forecast that could transform your life! Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

SOME people find life easier to understand if they believe that each moment of it was planned, even before they arrived here on planet Earth. They are comforted by the notion of destiny. I don’t know about you but I find the concept of having no choice utterly dishearten­ing. Who on earth wants to feel as if everything in their world has already been decided? How can that possibly work? Under the light of the New Moon, you have a chance to prove your ability to shape your future. A powerful New Moon marks the start of an exciting month. Take advantage of the cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

JUST imagine how the atmosphere would change if a senior politician made all the members of parliament (across all parties) join hands and sing a nursery rhyme together. It would certainly create a more amicable, congenial atmosphere. Harmonious singing might well create harmony in making policies! Too often, people become ingrained in pomposity and self-righteousn­ess, which escalates minor tensions into big ones. Accommodat­e gentleness and geniality where possible, today. August begins and ends with a New Moon! Your month holds great potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

WHEN we are attempting to solve a problem, or remember a useful piece of informatio­n, we sometimes rack our brain for ages without finding the answer. Eventually, there’s no choice but to give up, and move on to something else. You stop thinking about it. A while later, when you’re focused on different matters, the solution/memory pops into your mind. As we enter the Dark of the Moon, you enter a time of pause. You can relax and allow yourself to be distracted. You’ll get back on track when the time is right. A new month! A powerful New Moon! A forecast that could transform your life! Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

SOME people are imprisoned by their conscience, others are caught by a sense of need. We’re all trapped by something. So, is freedom the art of accepting situations that are less than ideal, or is it simply the ability to be able to walk away? Perhaps, when we’re truly free, we’re able to accept life’s restraints and controls. As we enter the Dark of the Moon, you’re being freed from a situation you’ve been stuck in for some time. Letting go is never easy. But you’re freeing yourself from a fear. A powerful New Moon marks the start of an exciting month. Take advantage of the cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

NO ONE can offer any more than their best. But what if a situation seems to demand more than we have to give? In such instances we might have to accept that we weren’t on the right path. The cosmos is not out to get us. It deals neither in penalties nor false commendati­ons. We make our own luck — whether consciousl­y or not. It’s time to look at why you’re feeling doubtful and negative. Is there some eternal penance that you’re obliged to pay? No! Look at your fear and it will be dispelled. August begins and ends with a New Moon! Your month holds great potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5612.

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