Scottish Daily Mail


- by Stephen Daisley

Nationalis­ts are everywhere in politics these days – patriots are much harder to find. the once-prevailing belief that selfintere­st be sacrificed where necessary to the interests of the country may have been starchily old-fashioned, but it reflected a sense of duty.

it is what Peel did on the Corn laws, Macmillan on colonialis­m and Callaghan on public spending. their decisions cost them personally and cost their parties but the nation came first.

today, it is not the nation but nationalis­m that comes first. What starker embodiment of this glum truth than the two most powerful politician­s in the land: Boris Johnson and nicola sturgeon. Both have achieved high office by riding a wave of emotive nationalis­m. Both pursue courses they know are at odds with the global standing of their country and the prosperity of those living in it. Both impugn the motives of critics by questionin­g their love of country.

Each has their own grand project – for Johnson, Brexit; for sturgeon, independen­ce – but the same dogmatic single-mindedness marks their premiershi­ps. they alike claim to be standing up for the national interest when they are willing to risk reducing the nation to parochiali­sm and penury. the country does not come first; their personal and political advantage comes first.

some may bristle at the comparison. Johnson says vulgar and objectiona­ble things; sturgeon does not. sturgeon projects an (ersatz) air of competence; Johnson most certainly does not. For all his faults, Johnson at least does not seek to tear up the Union, compoundin­g chaos with more chaos.

But these are matters of style and tone and temperamen­t. in the realm that matters – the realm of values, their translatio­n into policy and the resulting impact on real people – not as much divides the Prime Minister and the First Minister as either’s supporters might wish to contemplat­e. Brexit or scexit? Pick your poison.

nationalis­m has a base, beguiling magic, but predictabi­lity is an enduring weakness. nationalis­ts can stir animus and direct sentiment. they can create the illusion of oppression and make real oppression seem illusory. they can make common bonds appear to be shackles and isolation another word for freedom.

WHat they cannot do is change the primordial impulses that motivate them and their philosophy: chauvinism, lust for power and the pursuit of personal meaning through the glorificat­ion of the tribe. as these instincts are immutable, so too are their effects and the nationalis­t’s responses to them.

When a collision occurs between the world as they imagine it and the world as it stubbornly exists, the nationalis­t turns by instinct to denial. nationalis­m must be correct and so unhelpful facts are willed away. truth is contingent, the nation is for ever.

George orwell noted these tendencies in his 1945 essay notes on nationalis­m, in which he contended: ‘all nationalis­ts have the power of not seeing resemblanc­es between similar sets of facts. actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them.’

the tragic farce to which Brexit has reduced the Conservati­ve Party, to say nothing of the good government of the United Kingdom, is one of the most damning indictment­s of nationalis­m imaginable.

the reality of trying to exit the European Union is so far from the rhetoric of the leave campaign in 2016 that Project Fear looks, in hindsight, to have been Project optimism. if Brexit true-believers are

learning their lesson the hard way, nicola sturgeon refuses to learn any lessons at all.

the First Minister is not only in denial of the parallels between Brexit and scottish independen­ce, she is using the occasion of the former to ramp up her campaign to achieve the latter.

on tuesday, she delivered her programme for government at Holyrood, the centrepiec­e of which was supposed to be her policies for addressing the climate emergency. instead, she began her speech by talking about her plans to hold a second referendum on separation.

she told MsPs: ‘We intend to offer the people of scotland the choice of a better and more positive future as an independen­t nation.

‘the Referendum­s Bill introduced before recess is about to resume its parliament­ary progress. i can confirm today that, during the passage of the Bill, we will seek agreement to the transfer of power that will put the referendum beyond legal challenge. We have a clear democratic mandate to offer the choice of independen­ce within this term of parliament – and we intend to do so.’

this is part of the snP’s strategy to market independen­ce as an escape hatch from Brexit. in reality, Brexit is a devastatin­g warning of what could await scotland if it chooses to go down the same road of splitting from a successful political and economic union – if it pursues what ought properly to be called scexit.

if the polls are anything to go by, the strategy appears to be working. the most recent survey puts support for scexit on 49 per cent. However, once the rhetoric is stripped away, the reality is very different.

Brexit is a sandbox for future constituti­onal upheaval in scotland and many of the same issues apply just as readily to the propositio­n that

It’s the ultimate irony: Boris and Nicola have far more in common than either will ever admit. Both are desperate to quit unions. Both embrace populism while dismissing opponents. Both lack clear plans if their goals are met. And both could be engulfed by the current tide of political chaos...

Scotland should secede from the UK. The case for independen­ce does not address the similariti­es between the two because it is based in large part on pretending there are none.

Brexit is framed as an outgrowth of English insularism and Tory extremism when in fact it is simply cold, hard politics playing out the way it always does and would again if Scotland voted to leave the UK.

If the failure to achieve Brexit three years after the EU referendum is damning of Brexit, it is no less damning of the independen­ce project.

The pretence that the two are unrelated phenomena, that one isn’t the ghost of the other in a different setting and distinct context, might be enough to convince committed Nationalis­ts – but it does not withstand scrutiny.

The disarray, incompeten­cies and indignitie­s of Brexit are a reminder that the Nationalis­ts, just like the Brexiteers, sold the public a false prospectus that downplayed the difficulti­es of leaving while overstatin­g the benefits.

Five years on from the independen­ce referendum, and despite the public relations exercise that was the Sustainabl­e Growth Commission, the SNP still has not answered key questions about the brass tacks of independen­ce.

Unsurprisi­ngly, given what we know about the striking similariti­es between nationalis­ts, many of these are the same queries the Brexiteers failed to address.

Consider the matter of trade. As the pro-unity think tank These Islands points out, the UK single market is the heart of the Scottish economy. The goods Scotland sells to the rest of the UK are worth an annual £49billion and represent 60 per cent of our exports market. Two-thirds (£58.4billion) of the goods and services we import come from England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Disruption to this frictionle­ss trade would be challengin­g for the rUK, but for the much smaller Scottish economy it would be devastatin­g.

Project Fear? The Leave campaign said the same, but the truth has caught up with its spin.

SCOTLAND would be the weaker side in separation negotiatio­ns. Saying so is not ‘talking down Scotland’, it is simply acknowledg­ing reality. The recent GERS figures – the Scottish Government’s own statistica­l analysis – showed Scotland is running a notional deficit of £12.6billion.

If it were an independen­t nation, Scotland would have the largest fiscal gap in Europe. Without the financial backing of the UK economy,

Scotland would be forced either to raise taxes dramatical­ly or savagely cut public services.

During the 2014 referendum, concerns that banks and businesses could flee Scotland were dismissed as ‘scaremonge­ring’. Leave campaigner­s said much the same in 2016. In January, financial consultanc­y EY estimated at least £800billion in assets had been moved outside the UK as a result of the decision to Brexit.

Companies including Airbus and Jaguar Land Rover are cutting jobs. Even Brexiteer Sir James Dyson has shifted his firm’s headquarte­rs to Singapore.

Any vote to leave the UK has the potential to have the same effect.

An even more fundamenta­l question is that of currency. What would be the currency of a separate Scotland? In what currency would we buy and sell across borders, or simply make next month’s mortgage payment? The SNP position changes with the wind, but even if it opted for a fresh currency, as its membership wants, such a regime would not be in place and embedded in time.

Nationalis­t politician­s bat aside such details with a sweeping declaratio­n that Scotland would be a more attractive prospect to foreign investors because it, unlike the UK, would be a member of the EU, with full access to the European single market and customs union.

Here, the SNP is uncanny in its echo of the Leave campaign: despite the clear warnings of Brussels that a separate Scotland would be considered a third state and have to go through an applicatio­n process, Nationalis­ts simply say that the opposite is true and that Scotland would be an EU member state either automatica­lly or quickly.

It is an assertion that echoes Vote Leave’s tendency to claim the EU would simply fall in line and give the UK what it wanted.

INDEPENDEN­CE would transform the Brexit present into Scotland’s future, and with no end in sight, as negotiatio­ns on Scotland’s departure from the Union would have to wait until the conclusion of the UK’s negotiatio­ns with the EU and a lengthy period of striking trade deals with new markets around the world. Scotland would face a prolonged period in limbo and suffer the political turbulence and economic upset that would bring. ‘It would be different, because...’ is no argument at all.

The SNP’s continuing capacity for maintainin­g ruses like this is a source of frustratio­n for many Unionists. The debate, they say, should not be about another independen­ce referendum but about the Scottish Government’s unimpressi­ve record on education, health and the economy.

They lament that Nicola Sturgeon seems to be the luckiest politician around, given her opponents’ tendency to self-immolate. If she fell in the Clyde, she’d come out with a fish supper in her pocket – though given this First Minister, all the chips would be on her shoulder.

However, this is asking the question the wrong way round. Nationalis­m thrives on the negative, encouragin­g what political scientists call ‘negative partisansh­ip’ – voting against parties and ideas you revile rather than voting for things you agree with. This is why Nationalis­ts so often encourage the electorate to vote for them to ‘send a message to Westminste­r’ rather than to express approval for their policies.

Unionists are more than capable of negative politics themselves, as the Better Together campaign showed, but with the Union under renewed strain, they must be more than a receptacle for the votes of people who dislike Nicola Sturgeon. The question they should be asking themselves is: What does the Union mean to Scotland? The answer cannot begin and end with a pound sign. There must be a positive, confident vision for Scotland and the Union.

The Union, once intrinsic to Scot

tish identity, should become so again, albeit updated for the 21st century. Replace empty pride in flags and nationalit­y with pride in the good Britons can do working together, whether that is internatio­nal aid or charitable works, funding research to cure deadly diseases or helping to rescue our forests and seas from pollution.

If the Union is to be more than a shield from the economic consequenc­es of independen­ce, it will require more shared institutio­ns that emphasise what we have in common rather than our difference­s. Organisati­ons such as the BBC and the NHS are good examples.

There should also be a rethinking of what it means to be a citizen of a union – not the familiar self-aggrandisi­ng rah-rah sentiment encouraged by nationalis­m, but an attempt to connect the dots between the union and people’s everyday lives.

DESPITE what the Nationalis­ts may say, it is perfectly possible to be proud of both the wider Union and of Scotland’s special role within it. It is the Nationalis­ts who jealously assert ownership of Scottish identity, while telling those who disagree that there is only one way to be Scottish and that it involves purging yourself of any vestiges of a broader UK identity.

The case for the Union is that it offers an alternativ­e to the loyalty demanded by Nationalis­ts – it is about strengthen­ing ties with people rather than building borders between them.

The economic arguments cannot be wholly avoided; there are facts and they inescapabl­y tend

to fall on one side of the debate. But the story has to be told as proof of the opportunit­ies of the Union rather than the flaws of separation.

Nationalis­m may give the public something to vote against but the Union should give them something to be for and to vote for.

Answers to these and other quandaries will not present themselves overnight, but Unionists must step up their efforts to understand them. Nationalis­m is predictabl­e but that is no excuse for Unionism to become reflexivel­y sluggish in its own thinking. If nothing else, the future of the country is on the line.

In these angry and hectic political times, it is easy to convince yourself that anger and chaos are the only options. That you must either be for Brexit or Scexit, for your country and your pocketbook to suffer in Boris Johnson’s or Nicola Sturgeon’s interest.

In fact, this tribal, binary mindset is what is holding us back, holding back our businesses and our civil society and our parliament. The alternativ­e to competing counsels of despair is a positive, outward-looking attitude based on creating prosperity for the greatest number of people and a chance for the very best ideas to flourish.

The tragi-comic scenes at Westminste­r serve as a warning to voters to be wary of political chancers selling dreams and a challenge to Nationalis­ts and their narrative. Above all, they demonstrat­e where unthinking and unreflecti­ve politics leads. They encourage us not just to avoid pitfalls but to choose a different, positive way forward instead.

There is no need to settle for a damaging version of Brexit or even further chaos from Scexit. We can opt to spurn nationalis­m for patriotism.

 ??  ?? Boris Johnson: A premiershi­p driven by single-mindedness
Boris Johnson: A premiershi­p driven by single-mindedness
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Nicola Sturgeon: Dogmatical­ly risks reducing nation to penury
Nicola Sturgeon: Dogmatical­ly risks reducing nation to penury

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