Scottish Daily Mail

Where is the honour in this system?


GEOFFREY BOYCOTT was clearly thrilled about being made a knight of the realm this week. He roared onto the today show (r4) on tuesday, as merry as a bowl of yorkshire punch, only to be enraged when presenter Martha Kearney asked him about his conviction in a french court for domestic abuse 23 years ago. Was he a fit and proper person to be so honoured, was her gist.

Domestic abuse charities, various bustling female politician­s and the chief executive of Women’s Aid have criticised the decision to honour the former england cricket star. ‘I don’t give a toss, love,’ he told Miss Kearney, managing to boil six decades of misogyny into the reductive syrup of one six-word sentence.

It said everything we needed to know about the ghastly man, even if a tiny corner of my spleen thrilled to his discourtes­y. for years, many of us have longed for someone to yell ‘I don’t give a toss!’ at today interviewe­rs when they ask: ‘What do you say to so and so who says blah blah about you?’ Such a shame it was him.

But still. Sir Geoffrey? you have to wonder about theresa May’s thinking, and what I am thinking is that she was past the point of caring what anyone thought.

the former PM introduced a new Domestic Abuse Bill in the dying days of her leadership, saying it was our ‘duty to bring the perpetrato­rs of these vile crimes to justice’. Only to approve a knighthood for a man convicted of exactly that.

Her resignatio­n honours list also contained the names of the architects of her failed administra­tion who have left this country in such a mess. Perhaps there should be more fuss about their inclusion than Boycott’s? Don’t hold your breath, particular­ly as feminist groups claim the celebratio­n of a man who assaulted his girlfriend in 1996 sends out the ‘dangerous message’ that domestic abuse is not taken seriously as a crime.

In the world of #Metoo, in an era when grave attempts have been made to criminalis­e wolf-whistling, at a time when any slur against the sisterhood can result in opprobrium and worse, it is hard to think of anything — other than racism — which is taken more seriously in society.

yet it is hard to argue with their belief that domestic abuse is downgraded in terms of moral culpabilit­y. And that a man convicted of any other violent crime would never even be considered for a knighthood. It just all goes to prove what a tainted farrago the honours system has become.

SIMON WATSON claims to have fathered 800 children as Britain’s most prolific sperm donor — what an irresponsi­ble madman, an uncivilise­d beast. The genetic implicatio­ns of his efforts are terrifying, while the women who willingly and knowingly take his sperm need their heads examined. I hate people who say shouldn’t there be a law against this, but come on — shouldn’t there be a law against him?

 ??  ?? Conviction: Geoffrey Boycott
Conviction: Geoffrey Boycott

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