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ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 IF LIFE is about learning lessons, when do we take the exams? Where do the graduation­s take place? If our purpose isn’t to do with absorbing informatio­n and making discoverie­s, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any to make. But you don’t have time to dwell on answering baffling questions; you need to work out the best thing to do regarding an important decision. There are arguments for and against. But you don’t need an argument; you need agreement. And you can get that today. Curious to know more? There is valuable news in your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 HI! I hope you won’t object to your forecast beginning with such a short sentence. I understand that some people are particular­ly alert to matters of grammatica­l and syntactica­l correctnes­s and I don’t want to inadverten­tly upset anyone. Though, I suppose it would be more scandalous if I just carried on and spent your forecast musing on questions of literary etiquette. It would be easy to get caught up in trivia. What’s important today is what matters most to you. Don’t lose sight of that. Success is about attitude and timing. Your four-minute forecast will help you make positive change. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 - June 22 PRESENT company excluded, of course, but be wary of what people predict for your future at the moment. Relying on the powers of others is unwise when you’re not sure that you can trust your ability to sort the truth from the fiction. Even if you’re not seeking the advice of crystal-ball gazers, you’re paying too much attention to a suspicion that’s arising within your heart... and it’s preventing you from being open to a delightful surprise. The Equinox will bring good news. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 MY SON’S favourite bath time song is Row, Row, Row Your Boat. He’s so happy pretending to row like crazy that he doesn’t notice the water’s gone cold! Yet, for all of the fun, I wonder how the line ‘life is but a dream’ will affect him. If we fill our heads with the notion that life is a

SATURN and the Equinox are inextricab­ly bound together this year. Tomorrow, the Sun makes a supportive link with the Great Teacher before marking the new astrologic­al year later this week. Since this event will be followed by Saturn entering its Aquarian home, it’s a new dawn in more ways than one! But although it’s a time that calls for action, stability can be maintained. It’s more about building for the future than fighting the past. dream, perhaps it’s no surprise that we sometimes find it hard to come down to earth. Recently, you’ve been dealing with a nightmare scenario. The good news is that the vision that awaits is very positive indeed. Curious to know more? There is valuable news in your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 AS A profession­al interprete­r of celestial messages and signs, I’m in the slightly ironic position of needing to tell you not to take too much notice of some of the messages and signals you’re currently receiving. Surely, this is the pot calling the kettle black! Neverthele­ss, as we move towards the powerful Equinox, you need to be wary of taking any criticism too personally. There’s a chance, too, that someone’s offer of support is unlikely to come to fruition. Stick to what you know.

Success is about attitude and timing. Your four-minute forecast will help you make positive change. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 YOU wouldn’t be the first to wonder if life might maybe, possibly, be improved if a certain ‘someone’ was removed from it! You’re certainly well within your rights to entertain such a fantasy... as long, that is, as it remains in the realm of fantasy! There’s nothing wrong with thinking the unthinkabl­e. In fact, it can be a productive, creative process. Nor is the ‘unthinkabl­e’ always ‘unthinkabl­e’. By posing such questions, you’re merely being thorough. Your dreams can become a reality. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 - Oct 23 AGE isn’t something that can purely be calculated with a calendar. Some kids are wise beyond their years, and some adults . . . well . . . some folk who are well into the twilight years of their lives like nothing more than a good old squabble — just like a teething two-year-old! No matter our age, it’s never too late to discover informatio­n that throws new light onto an old challenge, enabling us to understand it in a more insightful way. The Equinox brings inspiratio­n. Keep an open mind.

Curious to know more? There is valuable news in your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 BACK in the days of black-and-white films, things were easier. The good guys were good and the bad guys were bad — they even had the outfits to prove it. Mobsters were unmistakab­le in doublebrea­sted pin-stripe suits; the heroes in beautifull­y pressed cream linen. Nowadays, things aren’t so straightfo­rward. Heroes and villains come in all sorts of guises and get-ups. Which metaphoric­al outfit are you wearing today? Remember, from another angle, things might look very different indeed.

Success is about attitude and timing. Your four-minute forecast will help you make positive change. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 MR MEMORY is a character in the movie classic The 39 Steps. He had an amazing ability: his mind had a camera-like quality and he could recall details of the past with extraordin­ary precision. Yet if such people exist, I wouldn’t be surprised if even they overlook significan­t events from time to time, like forgetting an important birthday or where they have parked the car! The Equinox brings an event which will trigger a memory from which comes a realisatio­n that you’ve overlooked. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 WHEN you take a piece of elastic and stretch it as far back as it will go, then release it, it will fly forward at tremendous speed. The mechanics of this lie behind the effectiven­ess of the catapult and the bow and arrow. The movement of your ruling planet, Saturn, which has gradually been building to a crescendo, is having a similar effect on your energy. So much so that you’ve almost forgotten what you were aiming for. As it prepares to enter a new sign, you’ll remember your target and find it.

Curious to know more? There is valuable news in your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 LOVE. Harmony. Peace. These are the qualities we want to have in our lives. They’re what we seek and crave. So, why then, do they remain elusive? After all, there are very few folk who don’t have these desires at the top of their agenda. I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s on a quest for misery, disappoint­ment and chaos. Perhaps, then, we don’t all share the same understand­ing, or we’re attaching too many conditions to our peace — or to our love. Today, you get closer to what you seek. Success is about attitude and timing. Your four-minute forecast will help you make positive change. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 I WAS recently told a story about someone who got hold of an old dictionary, tore out the pages starting with the letters ‘im’ and proudly announced to anyone who would listen that ‘the word impossible wasn’t in their dictionary’! Sadly, life isn’t quite that simple. Yet this week, as we move towards the Equinox, your life is starting to reach the kind of place where you might well be able to take a leaf out of that book! The simplicity you’ve been craving is on its way. Enjoy the space. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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