Scottish Daily Mail

Bills, Bills, Bills...


ThE Scottish Government seems reluctant to use its prerogativ­e to introduce legislatio­n for the benefit of the people of Scotland.

The one constant is the threat of legislatio­n to impose a constituti­onal referendum on us, the constituti­on being a reserved matter.

Laws that it did contemplat­e, such as those introducin­g the named person scheme and the new Gender recognitio­n scheme, have been so unpopular that they have been kicked into the long grass before elections.

now justice Secretary humza yousaf is seeking to preserve some elements of his much-criticised hate Crime bill by compromisi­ng on others. it has never been clear why this bill is necessary and why time and energy have been expended on it.

The acceptable elements in it are already covered by existing legislatio­n. This is the offensive behaviour at football bill all over again, and that was a total waste of time and energy. and we are paying for it.

JILL STePHenSon, edinburgh.

Why does this Scottish Government and its secretarie­s continue to come up with half-baked bills of grandeur, not fit for purpose and not fit to be taken seriously? Surely a modicum of reality must come into them somewhere along the line.

The hate Crime bill now up for discussion is like a named persons act of contrition for all those that see free speech as the guiding light of democracy; honest, debatable and acceptable. humza yousaf, like john Swinney before him, makes it very difficult to take the Snp seriously, when its policies have no bearing on the given agenda — eliminatin­g hate in this case — thus giving no credence in kind to the adverse effect this bill would cause.

as always the devil is in the detail, but i see another u-turn coming.

ARCHIe MacKInnon, Glasgow.

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