Scottish Daily Mail

Santa’s all I want for Christmas

- Email: steve Campbell, Looe, Cornwall.

Dear old Father Christmas, it’s time that I had better Think about my Christmas list and put it in a letter, For now that it is winter and the weather’s getting cold out I should think of all my presents before all the shops are sold out.

I know that there’s a special rule when you give out toys, That you only give the nice ones to the good little girls and boys. But I wonder, Santa, seeing that you cannot get perfection, That if I did a little wrong you might make an exception.

Well, when I say a little wrong, that’s not quite strictly true, For I have been a little naughtier than I had ought to. Before I tell you what I did I think I best apologise ’Cos I know you had a problem with my mum’s homemade mince pies.

It wasn’t really mummy’s pies you had the problem with, ’Cos to make you go much faster I made some with laxative, And now to all the naughty things I said that I had did Dear Santa please remember that I’m only just a kid.

There was the time when mum got mad when I bought her home a mouse And one time when I ran the bath and then flooded the house, When my sister’s hair got superglued, guess who got the blame? Though had she been your sister I’m sure you’d have done the same.

I said that I was sorry when I called my nan a frog And it wasn’t really all my fault when I set fire to our dog. There are many things that I have learned in the year I’ve had so far, Like not to use a Brillo pad when cleaning Daddy’s car.

And when I’m helping Mummy, like all children like to do, I should not use Fairy Liquid when cleaning out the loo, But that all happened long ago, it now seems like a haze, And I’m just like an angel now, ’cos I’ve been good for days.

My mummy says that I should ask for things that aren’t too dear, But what the hell? It’s Christmas. It only happens once a year. First I’d like a pencil case to put my pencils in, And then I’d like some crayons for all my colouring in.

It’s just the simple little things that are worth waiting for And to help you dear old Santa, I’ve wrote down a couple more.

I’ll have an Action Man and Thunderbir­ds and a silver micro-scooter, A train set with accessorie­s and, of course, a new computer.

I’d like a drum set and a keyboard and a guitar made by Fender, The latest mobile telephone and an entertainm­ent centre, I’ll have a hamster and a rabbit and a feathered thing that talks, And another great big hairy dog that my mum can take for walks.

Although I haven’t asked for much there’s two more things I’d like, A brand new latest games machine and don’t forget a mountain bike. My sister wants two books for school, how could she be so greedy? For to ask for two is selfish when there’s other kids more needy.

I’ve heard it said some boys and girls don’t get the gifts they planned, And the only toys that poor kids get are broke or second hand, I’ve had a think about it and, so I don’t get the worst, Forget about those other kids and bring my presents first.

If the presents are too heavy I think perhaps you’ll find If you want to make them lighter, just leave my sister’s books behind. That’s it, Santa, that’s my list, and I’m sure you will agree That that’s not nearly half enough for a good little boy like me.

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