Scottish Daily Mail

Would you take fitness tips from the maniac OF THE maracas?

He was the wild man of 1980s pop. But now Bez from the Happy Mondays has ditched the drugs and partying to become a very unlikely online exercise guru. So...

- By Jane Fryer

BEZ — aka Mark Berry — of 1980s indie rock band Happy Mondays has a wealth of expertise and experience upon which he could have drawn for his hit new YouTube series.

His talent for mad, freaky dancing and maraca-shaking, for instance. Or perhaps, extreme drug-taking, along with tips on smashing up hotel rooms. Or how to run as a bonkers ‘independen­t’ candidate for Parliament and not quite coming last.

And then there’s also beekeeping, home-brewing and being one of the best-loved pop stars of the 1980s and 1990s, despite being neither singer nor musician. Or he could give a master class in how to survive to 56, having led one of the most extreme party lives in rock’n’roll.

But an exercise video à la Joe Wicks was a surprise, to say the least. Even more so when he tells me he hasn’t been for a run since 1999 and his exercise has only ever been jumping about on stage — and never without some form of chemical stimulatio­n.

But here we are, in the wind and rain on our mats in a waterlogge­d park in Manchester, warming up with a few stretches and jumping jacks as he talks me through this new ‘healthy high’ he gets from endorphins — ‘it’s as good a high!’ — and all his aches and pains.

‘I’m seizing up! My heels won’t touch me bum! I’m in the last throws of relative youth and I’ve got no flexibilit­y at all, and piled on the weight since I gave up the wacky baccy four years ago.’

He is also criss-crossed with scars from a terrible motorcycle accident in 1999 — goodness knows what his liver and lungs look like — and he is terrified that if he doesn’t get in shape soon, he’s going to ‘start losing out in the bedroom department’ with his younger and very fit partner, Firouzeh, 34. ‘I’m still in favour for now, but I’m a bit big-bellied. I’m 13-and-a-half stone!’

Unlike squeaky-clean Wicks, Bez doesn’t lead the 15-minute class himself — ‘I wouldn’t have a clue!’ — but huffs, puffs, chats and groans alongside his personal trainer, Andy Naylor, through a series of squats, crunches, planks, all the nasties, or occasional­ly chatting with psychologi­sts and doing a bit of yoga. ‘I wasn’t expecting it to be that difficult!’

THE YouTube show, Get Buzzin’ With Bez, is aimed at people like him who were once active but have spent the past few years sitting on the couch thinking about exercising.

‘I sat on mine for three to four years, watching my girlfriend exercising but not actually doing it,’ he says. So he couldn’t care less if people watch from their sofa, lager can in one hand, cig in the other, rather than joining in. ‘It’s supposed to be a gentle introducti­on back to exercise.’

It’s already a surprise hit. The first 15-minute video has more than 60,000 views — and his followers are marvelling that, well, he’s still alive. This is, after all, a man who spent decades drinking, smoking and sampling pretty much every drug under the sun with his bandmates — and anyone else who would join in.

‘Our sessions did tend to run on a bit,’ he says. ‘But after three nights and into the fourth day, I think you can become a bit dysfunctio­nal and, if you’ve got a good mate, they’ll usually send you off home to bed.’

There are great swathes of the 1990s that neither he nor frontman and best mate Shaun Ryder can remember. In his 2000 biography Freaky Dancin’, he recalled one 1986 gig at Manchester’s legendary nightclub The Haçienda, where he fell off the stage halfway through and cut his forehead. He grabbed some of the lead guitarist’s liquid LSD, dripped it into the cut and dashed back out with his maracas. Not that he can remember that either any more.

After winning Celebrity Big Brother back in 2005, he went on a ten-hour bender.

In 2010, he wrote a rambling and very passionate letter to then Home Secretary Theresa May about fracking.

‘I got the thesaurus out,’ he tells me, ‘and was using all these smart-arsey words, saying how I was going to fight a revolution, bring the Government down and be the biggest thorn in her side.’

He received a very sharp one-line response from her: ‘You can get into trouble for that, Mr Berry!’ Not that any of it is weighing him down today — or, for that matter, the steady stream of fans who pop over to say hello in the rain.

Weirdly, he does look really well. Properly well. Good skin, strong legs in the squats, very bright eyes and a lot of big, white teeth, albeit not all his own.

‘Everyone’s shocked when they see me because I look so well,’ he says. ‘A lot of my friends look like they’re falling to pieces. But not me, thanks to my juicing.’

He has started every single day for the past seven years with a homemade green juice — black kale, spinach, celery, ginger, turmeric, apple, lemon — and he swears by it. He gave up the fags more than 20 years ago and threw in the cannabis because it was making him ‘too moody’. Now, he’s more obsessed with vitamin C, making his whole family take shots of it every morning to improve their immune systems.

He also makes his own drugs out of wild flowers such as valerian and marshmallo­w. ‘It’s like Valium without the addiction. Brilliant!’

He raves about a potion he makes from dehydrated Scotch bonnet chillies which, he insists, is excellent for heart attacks and helps your gums grow back.

OVER the years, he has embraced the hippy movement and, more recently, shamanism. A couple of years ago, he took part in the Vision Quest, a four-day shamanic journey into the wilderness with no food.

‘On the fourth night you’re reborn! This is the most powerful thing I’ve done in my life and it involves no drugs! It’s just you, the wilderness and loads of water. Who’d have thought it?! It changed my life.’ So much so that, afterwards, he went on stage for the first time in his life not rattling with narcotics. ‘I felt so invigorate­d I was going on without the help of any drug. I was buzzin’ from just buzzin!’

Not, of course, that it lasted. He should have been touring all last year, lurching from one post-show party to another with Shaun. But lockdown saw that off.

‘My day job has gone,’ he says. ‘Just gone. I can’t wait to get out there again, but I’ve never been an addict [other than prescripti­on drugs after his accident] . . . And anyway, it’s just not something you do, sat at home on the sofa with your missus, is it?.

‘So we eat cake instead. And drink lots of cider. Which is why I’ve piled on the pounds.’

While Bez bounced back from a suspected brush with Covid early last year after just three days, crediting his vitamin C and an amazing immune system, Shaun Ryder — perhaps the one man who partied harder than Bez — was not so fortunate.

‘He was really ill for three weeks — having hallucinat­ions, getting visits from aliens. I was really worried for him because Shaun’s not the healthiest man you’ve ever come across — he’s not juicing every day.’

Happily, he is on the mend now and, according to Bez, the shock of eating fruit for the first time in years has made his hair grow back after years of hair loss because of alopecia.

‘He’s got a positive, upbeat experience from the old Covid! He’s got all this baby-blond hair growing back!’

Blimey! But anyway, back to squats, mountain climbers, crunches and the deep shame of my realisatio­n that, somehow, the man who spearheade­d the drugs craze of the 1980s is fitter than I am.

‘It’s brilliant, isn’t it? I could hardly walk the first day — but it works really quickly. And best of all, my girlfriend is very, very happy!’

 ??  ?? Who’s gonna step on you again? Bez on stage with the Happy Mondays in 1990 (main picture) and working out with Jane
Who’s gonna step on you again? Bez on stage with the Happy Mondays in 1990 (main picture) and working out with Jane

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