Scottish Daily Mail

Is it crazy to let your partner give you a bikini wax?

As Kevin Bacon’s wife reveals he turned beauty therapist for her...

- by Flora Gill

‘ It’s sexy to be totall y comfortabl­e together ’


RECENTLY, I asked the boyfriend what he wanted to do for his birthday this year. lockdown limits the options, but apparently he’d thought about it: ‘I want to wax your legs.’

I’m not sure which was the bigger driving force: ridding me of my Mr Tumnus faun look or the joy of watching me squirm and squint with every rip.

Actress kyra sedgwick has revealed she went one step further and asked husband kevin Bacon to wax her bikini line, and while my boyfriend and I haven’t mastered that terrain yet, I see no reason not to.

The most obvious benefit to enlisting your partner’s beautician skills is that it’s helpful. Hair removal can be a tiresome, arduous job — especially when you can’t clearly see what you’re doing — so an extra hand is always welcome.

But the no1 reason I endorse this unlikely couple activity is that it’s at least something to do!

Activities are ridiculous­ly, mindnumbin­gly limited and repetitive right now. This, at least, would be entertaini­ng as hell.

An unholy alliance of scalding wax, inexpert hands and private parts sounds disastrous, but I’m now so bored of lockdown that I’m moments from going full teenager and giving myself piercings with safety pins, and a tattoo with a permanent marker. surely a little wax couldn’t hurt?

In reality, there’s a long list of things I never thought I’d do with my partner pre-pandemic, but the rules have changed. I never thought I’d fight over who went to the supermarke­t to buy detergent, or cry when he painted his nails silver out of boredom instead of letting me do them. And I never thought I’d put on my fanciest dress to eat breakfast in front of the TV.

some people may argue that a bikini wax is just too unsexy a task to involve your other half, but my partner and I have seen all the least alluring parts of each other and it only makes me fancy him more.

He has held my hair back as I was ill and comforted me through the worst of a bad stomach on holiday. There’s something sexy about being totally comfortabl­e with each other.

who knows for how long this lockdown will continue, but if, at the end of it, the most extreme thing you did was let your partner attempt some nether region hair removal, I think you’ve done pretty well.

Although, judging by the state of my legs, don’t expect a perfectly sleek finish. At least there’s no one but him to see it.

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