Scottish Daily Mail

BBC: Keep blood sugar high to avoid racial bias

Staff’s woke training guide

- By Andy Jehring

A BIZARRE BBC training workshop tells managers to keep up their blood sugar levels – because tiredness could lead them to drop their guard and racially profile job candidates, the Daily Mail can reveal.

The in-house programme to tackle ‘unconsciou­s bias’ – a discredite­d technique – also tells senior staff not to organise team drinks unless they know everyone can attend because someone may feel ‘left out’.

And it says employees must accept they are all capable of ‘micro-incibreath’ vilities’ which have a ‘huge impact’ on colleagues’ wellbeing.

The BBC was forced to hand over details of the course by the Informatio­n Commission­er’s Office after twice declining freedom of informatio­n requests by the Mail.

The corporatio­n is continuing to run the programme despite the Government Equalities Office finding ‘no evidence’ that unconsciou­s bias training improved workplace equality. The Civil Service dropped such sessions last year after citing work by psychologi­st Patrick Forscher showing they didn’t work.

All managers must sit the course and the BBC has said it aims for 95 per cent of staff to participat­e.

Presentati­on slides reveal bosses are instructed to ‘take a deep and consider whether they are about to commit a ‘microaggre­ssion’ – or unintentio­nally discrimina­te against someone – before making any decisions.

Guidance to bosses interviewi­ng job candidates advises them that if they feel tired they may pick someone based on unconsciou­s racism.

It states: ‘When you’re recruiting, ensure your blood sugar levels don’t become low. Low energy, tiredness and low blood sugar increase our reliance on assumption­s and bias.’

A ‘riddle’ asks staff to guess the identity of a surgeon and anyone who assumes they are male is labelled as having a ‘gender bias’ – despite 80 per cent of UK surgeons being male.

A training video includes examples of racist and sexist behaviour BBC employees have endured, with actors voicing complaints made by anonymous victims.

An Asian man says: ‘I’ve been called loads of names in the office, like Rishi, Raj, Sandeep as well. None of them are even my name.’

And a northern woman says she is asked in meetings about ‘how we do things “up North”’. She adds there is ‘an assumption that we’re a bit provincial or parochial...especially from people who have never ventured far from the South East’.

The BBC said: ‘Some of this may seem obvious or straightfo­rward, but it deals with every day occurrence­s and is only a small part of the training package. That said, making sure as many of a team as possible can take part in an event doesn’t seem like terrible advice.’

‘Take a deep breath’

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