Scottish Daily Mail

How you can get arms like Kate’s

By Hollie Grant, founder of Pilates PT



THESE develop the triceps. You can start on your hands and knees, or from half-plank or full-plank pose (pictured).

Position your hands shoulder-width apart, with your palms and creases of your elbows turned forwards. Slowly bend your elbows, keeping them tight into your sides as you lower yourself towards the ground. Then extend your arms to return to start position. Repeat eight to 12 times.


WORKS biceps and shoulders. Start with arms held out to the side at shoulder height, with your forearms raised toward your head and palms facing up.

Now, leading with your palms, move your forearms downwards so your palms face the ground. Then raise to vertical. Repeat 12 to 16 times. You can add dumbbells, but ensure you can complete at least 12 reps.


THIS really works the shoulder alignment, which is key to Kate’s good posture.

Stand with your arms by your sides, bent at the elbow with forearms and palms flat in front of you as if you were resting a tray on them. Loop one end of a resistance band over each hand, then begin to move your hands out to the sides, without allowing the elbows to move away from the body. Release back to the start position, and repeat eight to 12 times.


THESE can be performed using dumbbells or by standing on one end of a resistance band and holding the other end.

Start with your arms straight by your sides, palms facing forwards. Keeping the spine still and elbows tight to your sides, slowly raise the forearms until your hands are close to your shoulders, then release slowly.

Repeat eight to 12 times.


YOU’LL need a pull-up bar for this tough exercise, which will work the biceps, shoulders and lats.

Start with your hands on the bar, slightly wider than shoulderwi­dth apart. Inhale to engage the core and as you exhale begin to flex your elbows, bringing your chest up to the bar. Inhale to lower yourself back down at a controlled speed.

Beginners can do this move standing on a box so your feet never leave the floor.

■ Train with Hollie at

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