Scottish Daily Mail

Cabinet split on Rishi’s smoking plan

- By Harriet Line

RISHI Sunak faces a Cabinet split today as MPs vote on legislatio­n to create a ‘smokefree generation’.

Several ministers are expected to vote against – and others could abstain – when the Tobacco and Vapes Bill is debated in the Commons.

The legislatio­n will ban tobacco sales to anybody born on, or after, January 1, 2009 – meaning children aged 15 or younger today will never legally be sold a cigarette in England.

The rules in Scotland will be changed to mirror those in England, with Holyrood set to introduce the tobacco sales ban under devolved environmen­tal powers.

MPs will be given a free vote on the plan when it is debated today but it will be a blow to the Prime Minister if several frontbench­ers rebel.

Mr Sunak announced the policy at the Conservati­ve Party conference last year.

Tory sources said they expected a number of ministers to rebel over fears the proposals are ‘unconserva­tive’.

One rebel, Tory former cabinet minister Sir Simon Clarke, told the Mail he would vote against the Bill.

Sir Simon said: ‘It is both philosophi­cally and practicall­y a dreadful idea. Nobody doubts that smoking does enormous harm to your health, and I wouldn’t encourage anyone to smoke, but it is not the state’s role to try to ban people from doing so.

‘If we attempt to do so, we will almost certainly make a laughing stock of ourselves and waste enormous amounts of police and local authority time trying to enforce a ban that will not work.

‘We already struggle to contain the real danger of illegal drugs, so to seek to try and police tobacco in this way is a recipe for creating a whole new black market.’

Despite the Tory opposition, Labour is expected to whip in favour meaning the Bill will almost certainly pass.

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