Sea Angler (UK)

Q: Is the key to success being able to read the water in front of you, bait or rig choice, or is it pulling the right peg and then finding the fish?

Daniel Eagle


ANSWERS… Dave Barham:

It’s a bit of everything thrown into the mix, really, depending on what you’re targeting. Reading the water or knowing what’s in front of you really helps in most situations, and that’s why a lot of guys who fish new marks will try and take a look at low water (pictured) on a big spring tide, to see if there are any gullies or banks that might hold an extra few fish.

Dave Brown:

It’s a bit of all you have said and knowing when to put it into practice. Even then, you can never always get it right.

George Smith:

You’ve got to read the water for tides, holes and rocks. Seeing it at low water helps. You can only catch what’s in front of you, but it’s finding where they are.

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