Sea Angler (UK)

Q: A question on dogfish. My nephew has never caught one, so is there anywhere, or a specific tactic, that will increase his chances?

Andy Barker


ANSWERS… Paul Fenech:

Try using a single frozen sandeel on a size 1 hook, and don’t be too eager to strike after the first bite.

Dave Brown:

We seem to get more dogfish around our coast than ever before, so if he has not had one then I would say it is down to bad luck, really. To get the best results, get over to Orford island, Suffolk. Try fish baits like sandeels.

George Smith (pictured with a dogfish):

You should try using a sandeel or ragworm tipped with mackerel.

Richard Holgate:

Use fish baits or ragworms. Walton Pier, in Essex, produces plenty of dogfish as well.

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