Sea Angler (UK)

Q: I was recently informed that I shouldn’t use small baits on LRF gear. What is your opinion on this? STEVE BROOKES, NORTH EAST COAST, BY EMAIL


AK & DS say: There is merit on both sides of the argument. On the one hand, LRF as a dedicated discipline is a lure-only sport.

However, in the UK we have adapted it slightly. For example, we have adopted the use of Isome and Gulp Sandworms far more than any other nation, and that’s just fine.

Species hunting has become insanely popular over the last few years, with lots of British anglers chasing mini species to tick off their life or year list. Whether you use lures, artificial worms or bait, what’s important is that you’re catching and enjoying yourself.

LRF has changed the way we think about light tackle and has encouraged fantastic choice in many tackle shops, enabling us to readily scale down our tactics to increase bites, fish captures and, most of all, fun.

You can use bait on whatever tackle you have, but don’t miss out on the excitement of trying to trick the same fish into taking a soft plastic, metal jig or hardbait, because that’s the point of true LRF.

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