Sea Angler (UK)

Q: I want to take the plunge. What’s the best kayak I can get, and why? DONOVAN TAYLOR, BY EMAIL


GR says: What is the best car on the road and why? If you ask 100 people the same question, you’ll get nearly as many different answers. What works for one person will not for another, and choice of angling kayak is as personal the choice of car or style of clothing.

There is no correct answer to this question, and while initially that might not help you, what I would suggest would be getting down to a supplier and trying as many different kayaks as you can until you find the one that is right for you.

This is all going to depend on things like your height and weight, your preferred style of fishing, and whether or not you want to pedal or paddle.

The truth is, there is no ‘one size fits all’ fishing kayak. Find a good dealer and take their advice, but, as with buying anything, if something doesn’t sound or feel right, then seek a second opinion. Like any other line of business, there are bad dealers as well as good.

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