Sea Angler (UK)



A simple running leger is the most effective rig, but for common skate, short hooklength­s of just 12-15in of 250lb mono are recommend for two reasons.

Firstly, short hooklength­s are far less likely to tangle when dropping down to the bottom in very deep water, and secondly, short hooklength­s are far less likely to result in deeply-hooked fish.

Above the hooklength, your rig should incorporat­e a 10-12ft rubbing trace, again 250lb mono, to prevent the line from getting cut by the fish’s tail. Use strong, high-quality swivels of around 300lb BS.

The hook should be bronzed and barbless to facilitate easy unhooking, and to ensure that, if necessary, cutting the trace and leaving a hook inside the fish’s mouth will eventually corrode free. A size 12/0 bronze O’Shaughness­y hook is perfect.

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