Sea Angler (UK)


Follow our simple guide through your first steps into shore fishing. We’ll help you overcome any obstacles you might encounter along the way. This month we switch the focus to weather and sea conditions…


Learn about weather and sea conditions.


You’ve got your bait, chosen your venue and prepared your tackle…all you need to do now is check the weather. But do you know what weather patterns to look for to get the best from a beach session?

The weather plays a huge part in fishing and determines how a shore fishing session might pan out. There are many factors to look out for, including wind direction and barometric pressure.

Depending on what region of the uK you’re located, weather and sea conditions are just as important as top baits. if the conditions aren’t ideal, you can cast the very best baits into the sea and ultimately fail to catch.

Fish are creatures of habit and tend to follow their main food supply. They also need security and safety.

Take cod as an example. These fish rarely feed by sight and rely heavily on scent and vibration to locate food.

During a winter storm, an onshore gale will create larger swells and crunching waves. These conditions are often incorporat­ed into a deep depression or a low-pressure weather system.

The rough sea, in turn, will disturb the seabed, turn the water coloured, and ultimately dislodge lots of worms and shellfish – the perfect scenario for cod to move into and feed. The colour also provides a sense of security for cod to move really close to the beach. That’s why darkness is another good factor for shore fishing.

similar conditions are relatively good for targeting flounders too. These flatfish simply thrive on a running surf to feed extremely close to the shoreline.

TOP TIP: Keep a lookout for onshore winds to create large waves and swells for ideal cod conditions.

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