Shooting Times & Country Magazine

Young Shots activity day


(for eight- to 16-year-olds) Grousemoor Country

House, llandegla­grouse was stolen or whether she managed to slip her lead and run off. But we haven’t heard any news of her since.”

The dog is thought to have disappeare­d between 3pm and 4pm on the Saturday afternoon when the fair was said to be “heaving”. The incident was reported to the midland Game Fair’s police and dog wardens immediatel­y.

a1 Decoys has issued the following descriptio­n: “ammo

8 • Shooting times & Country magazine a £500 reward has been offered for informatio­n leading to ammo’s safe return and the police crime reference number is 750-515/09/18.

Shooting Times contributo­r David Tomlinson said: “This is a sad reminder of the vulnerabil­ity of gundogs to theft, which in this case seems most likely to have been opportune rather than planned. The moral is to never, ever, let your dog out of sight at a public event like a game fair unless it is secure in a dog crate or car.”

Freedom of informatio­n requests to UK police forces prove dog thefts are on the rise. In 2013, 1,491 dogs were reported stolen, 1,599 in 2014, 1,776 in 2015, and 1,774 in 2016.

In may, gundog trainer Neil Varney of Twistmount Gundogs had two black labradors and a white springer bitch stolen from a locked trailer and, at the time of writing, they have yet to be recovered.

In July 2018, Conservati­ve mp Ross Thomson introduced a private members bill to make pet theft a separate offence, with tougher penalties. It was unopposed, attracting strong cross-party support, and goes forward for its second reading on 26 October.

For advice on keeping your dog safe from theft visit theftgundo­gs.

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