BBC Sky at Night Magazine


Capture the dynamic movement of the night sky


By taking a series of photos at regular intervals over a period of 10 minutes or more you can make the 0RRQ V PRWLRQ DFURVV WKH VN\ D VXQULVH RU FRORXUIXO clouds at sunset look really dramatic. It’s easy with D VPDUWSKRQH )LUVW PRXQW LW VHFXUHO\ DQG HQDEOH WKH remote shutter release. Make sure you have plenty of spare storage capacity on your phone – videos can EH DQ\ZKHUH IURP 0% WR 0% LQ VL]H WKHQ LW V D FDVH RI IRFXVLQJ RQ WKH EULJKW WDUJHW

&RQVLGHU LQFOXGLQJ D EULJKW KRUL]RQ LQ WKH IUDPH WR KHOS \RX KHUH DQG VLQFH LW V VWDWLF LW OO HPSKDVLVH DQ\ PRYHPHQW LQ WKH VN\ EH\RQG WRR %HIRUH OPLQJ EH sure to focus on the Moon and put your camera app into AE (auto-exposure) lock mode to stop it compensati­ng for changes in light. The iPhone and several Android phones have a time-lapse mode in their standard camera app. If your camera phone GRHVQ W KDYH RQH FRQVLGHU DSSV OLNH /DSVH ,W IUHH L26 DQG $QGURLG RU 7LPHODSVH 3UR IUHH :LQGRZV 3KRQH

Start shooting

your headphones and then use the volume control on their cord as a remote shutter release. When you’re ready to shoot, a ZLGH HOG VKRW RI D EULJKW REMHFW such as Mars, Jupiter or the Moon above the horizon is a great subject with which to start.

Even so, focusing on what appears to the camera as a bright dot can be challengin­g. That’s where the horizon comes in: having it in the shot gives your smartphone something distant to focus on – more so if there are some lit regions on the ground. The camera’s auto functions may pick up the night sky targets; if not, install an app that gives you manual control such as Night Cam! (iOS; £1.49) or Open Camera (Android; free).

Shooting constellat­ions really pushes the limits of a smartphone’s small-aperture camera – they can lack the brightness to register properly. With your phone securely PRXQWHG \RX OO QG IRFXVLQJ RQ constellat­ions is even more of a challenge, so an app with manual camera control like NightCap Camera (iOS; £1.99) or Camera FV-5 (Android; £2.49) is even more crucial. You’ll also need to increase the sensitivit­y of the camera: aim for as high an ISO as possible and use an exposure that’s one second or more in length. Start with one of the brighter, more recognisab­le constellat­ions – Orion in winter, Cygnus in summer, Leo in spring, Taurus in autumn – and if the UHVXOWLQJ VKRWV ORRN GDUN DW UVW adjust the levels in a program like Photoshop or GIMP to reveal the brighter stars.

You can also take time-lapse photos to show the movement of the night sky, and point the camera down the eyepiece of a telescope for zoomed-in shots of the Moon or planets. But that’s about the limit of the small-aperture, [HG IRFDO length lens on a smartphone when it comes to capturing the night sky.

 ??  ?? Try to have some horizon in shot to give the camera something to focus on
Try to have some horizon in shot to give the camera something to focus on
 ??  ?? Orion is a winter constellat­ion bright enough that it can be captured using a smartphone camera
Orion is a winter constellat­ion bright enough that it can be captured using a smartphone camera
 ??  ?? Film time-lapse movies using a tripod for steadiness
Film time-lapse movies using a tripod for steadiness
 ??  ?? No time-lapse mode on your phone? Then use Lapse It
No time-lapse mode on your phone? Then use Lapse It
 ??  ?? The iPhone has its own in-built time-lapse function
The iPhone has its own in-built time-lapse function

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