BBC Sky at Night Magazine



Based in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex Astronomic­al Society was formed in 2000 with Sir Patrick Moore as our Honorary President. We now have over 70 members and, since the sad demise of Sir Patrick, we are honoured to have Professor Chris Lintott as our patron. The society is a registered charity with a simple aim – to help people enjoy astronomy and feel welcome to join our activities.

Our monthly meetings start with a talk from a guest speaker, followed by a coffee EUHDN D UDI H DQG D PRQWKO\ VN\ GLDU\ Speakers this year include Bob Mizon, QDWLRQDO FRRUGLQDWR­U IRU WKH %$$ V Commission for Dark Skies, and astronomer Pete Williamson.

The Society has a dark site on farmland to the north of Bexhill, with its own small observator­y housing a 16-inch Meade telescope. We also have several telescopes available to our members on loan. Some of our members are STEM Ambassador­s and attend outreach events such as the annual Astronomy Festival at Herstmonce­ux Observator­y. We also have D VPDOO VDWHOOLWH JURXS FDOOHG the Battle Cosmic Space Explorers. This is a group of about 15 youngsters aged 11–14 who meet once a month to learn about astronomy in an informal, friendly atmosphere. The name of the group was chosen by them. :H UH DOZD\V NHHQ WR ZHOFRPH QHZ members, young, old and in between, H[SHUW RU EHJLQQHU ,I \RX G OLNH WR FRPH along to a meeting, please visit our website for details. We would love to see you!

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