BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Deep-sky tour

Our exploratio­n of galaxies in the constellat­ion of Leo, the Lion includes M96 Group members


1 M95

Leo, the Lion marks the transition to the galaxies of spring. As the winter Milky Way tilts out of the way, we are presented with a sky that looks into deep galactic space. Leo contains many galaxies and two famous triples; M65, M66 and NGC 3628 near the Lion’s back leg, and M95, M96 and M105 near its belly, 3.6˚ northeast of mag. +3.8, Rho (ρ) Leonis.

Located 33 million lightyears from the Sun, M95 is a mag. +9.7 barred spiral appearing surprising­ly bright through a small telescope. It looks like a diffuse glow, intensity rising sharply to a bright core. Larger scopes show its glow is slightly elongated. Through a 300mm scope, M95 appears 5x3.5 arcminutes in size, its bright core roughly one-quarter of an arcminute across. Magnificat­ions over 200x reveal a mottled texture across the outer regions.  SEEN IT

2 M96

M96 is visible in the same low-power field as M95, 41 arcminutes to its east and a fraction north. It’s the lead entry in the M96 Group of galaxies and also the brightest at mag. +9.2. M96 is an intermedia­te spiral, a class of galaxy that has a core that’s somewhere between barred and circular in shape. We see an object with two regions, an outer halo and a compact core. A 250mm scope reveals the core and outer halo are elongated, with the halo appearing 4x2.5 arcminutes in size, surroundin­g an elliptical core measuring 2x0.5 arcminutes.  SEEN IT

3 M105

M105 is classed as an elliptical galaxy, a large ball of stars with no hint of spiral structure. It sits 48.3 arcminutes north-northeast of M96 and shines with an integrated magnitude of +9.3. M105 appears to brighten smoothly to a point nucleus. A 300mm scope reveals a glow 4x3 arcminutes in size.  SEEN IT

4 NGC 3384

The ancient elliptical NGC 3384 is easy to find from M105, lying just 8 arcminutes to the east-northeast. NGC 3384 has an integrated magnitude of +10.0. Since M105 and NGC 3384 are easy to get in the same field of view, it is interestin­g to compare them. NGC 3384 is obviously dimmer and smaller than M105, appearing like a mini version of the brighter galaxy.

A large scope highlights the difference­s well, NGC 3384 with a more pronounced elongation, nearly four times as long as it appears wide. Its central core appears round and concentrat­ed to a more star-like centre, instead of the sharp point of M105. The galaxy lies at a distance of 35 million lightyears and is an M96 Group member.  SEEN IT

5 NGC 3412

Lenticular galaxy NGC 3412 shines with an integrated magnitude of +10.6 and is to be found northeast of the main trio. A lenticular shows a core bulge with a flattened disc but no spiral structure. Find NGC 3412 by centring on M105 then heading north. Move past a pair of mag. +8.4 and +9.4 stars (HIP 52744 and HIP 52746), arriving at a mag. +8.6 star (HIP 52775) 0.8˚ north of M105. NGC 3412 is 0.8˚ east of this star.

The surface brightness is reasonably high and the galaxy stands out well through smaller apertures.

A 150mm scope shows it to have a star-like nucleus, while larger scopes reveal an elongated shape surroundin­g a circular core approximat­ely one-third of an arcminute in diameter.  SEEN IT

6 NGC 3377

Our final M96 Group target is NGC 3377, an elliptical galaxy located 1.4˚ north of M105. It shines with an integrated magnitude of +10.2, most of which comes from its compact, circular core region. This object is a nearer member of the group, at an estimated distance of 26 million lightyears.

A 250mm instrument reveals a core surrounded by an elongated outer halo approximat­ely 2x1 arcminutes in size. A 300mm scope virtually doubles the galaxy’s size, revealing it as an elongated halo with an impressive­ly bright core.  SEEN IT

 ??  ?? M105
M96 ▲ Clockwise from bottom right: our first three galaxy stops – M95, M96 and M105 – are examples of a barred spiral, an intermedia­te spiral and an elliptical
M105 M96 ▲ Clockwise from bottom right: our first three galaxy stops – M95, M96 and M105 – are examples of a barred spiral, an intermedia­te spiral and an elliptical M95

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