South Wales Echo

Alexandra Burke inspires locals to become SlimFast stars


TO coincide with Alexandra Burke’s arrival in Cardiff to star in Sister Act at the Wales Millennium Centre from April 17 until April 29, the X-Factor winner and SlimFast weight-loss ambassador, promises to inspire body confidence and make locals’ dreams come true.

As well as performing in the new critically-acclaimed musical, Alexandra will also host a much more intimate event with a hand-picked local, audience to discuss and celebrate her impressive weight loss on the SlimFast plan.

The ‘by invitation only’ event held on Wednesday, April 26 will consist of an intimate lunch and chat with Alexandra to hear first-hand how she was inspired to lose two stone and drop three dress sizes on the SlimFast plan.

The exclusive gig is only eligible to people who’ve applied via www. and been accepted to attend. It’s a ‘money-can’tbuy’ opportunit­y to get up close and personal with one of the UK’s most grounded and inspiratio­nal celebritie­s.

Commenting on her weight loss success and sharing insights into why the SlimFast plan works for her, Alexandra says: “I knew that my confidence was starting to be affected by how I felt in my clothes and performing on-stage. The weight crept up over time and it took a few moments to really tell myself it was time to do something about it. Flicking through my Ibiza holiday photos last year was a real ‘What!? You’ve got to do something about this’ moment but the final straw was when the show seamstress made out that it was my microphone that made the dress feel tight and slit the zip on my dress. Girl… then I knew!

“SlimFast has changed my life is so many ways. I feel healthier and I look better in my clothes. Most of all I feel so much more confident and happy in myself. I am used to being centre stage when I’m performing, but losing weight has helped put me back on centre stage and in my personal life too. I feel amazing. If my story can inspire others to believe they can do it too then I’m honoured. We only get one shot at life. This isn’t a dress rehearsal so let’s nail it and have the time of our lives feeling and looking our best!”

The event is open to anyone over the age of 18 who has recently lost weight on the SlimFast plan or who has been inspired by Alexandra’s success to begin their own weight loss journey with SlimFast.

Attending the event will also put you in the running to become a ‘SlimFast Star’– just like Alexandra herself. Following Alexandra’s weight loss success, SlimFast is on the lookout for

men and women from Cardiff to become ‘SlimFast Stars’ to take part in its campaign in 2017 – its 40th Anniversar­y year. A chance to feature alongside Alexandra on the SlimFast website, magazines, photoshoot­s and videos; to become a star of your own success!

If you feel inspired by Alexandra’s success, are aged 18 or over and have either lost weight with SlimFast or have a few pounds or more to lose then this is your chance to take part in a unique one off event.

All submission­s to attend are required by 00.01am on Tuesday, April 18. Successful applicants will be personally invited to attend the intimate ‘money-can’t-buy’ lunch with Alexandra ahead of her star-lit performanc­e in the evening.

The exclusive event is an opportunit­y to discover why turning to SlimFast worked for Alexandra as she shares her own honest and passionate account of her weight loss highs and lows, top tips

and motivation­s.

Dedicated to her ambassador role, Alexandra Burke said: “I’m hugely excited about this campaign and meeting new people on their journey. I am incredibly passionate about inspiring others as an ambassador as I can’t tell you the difference, being confident in my shape and clothes again on and off stage has made me feel.

The weight crept on over time and I was increasing­ly aware of how I felt in my clothes and when performing on-stage. I hope my story and bottling that moment of elation when I reached my goal will inspire others to give it a go. It’s easy and do-able, SlimFast is part of my busy daily schedule – it keeps my weight in check.

SlimFast has always been on my radar because mum always used the shakes to help her lose weight in the 90s so I know there will be lots of other fans out there too – I’d love to meet you!”


If you and a friend fancy losing weight with SlimFast visit www.slimfast. and upload your personal story*. For more inspiratio­n or informatio­n about the SlimFast plan visit or join the SlimFast Challenge Group community on Facebook to meet live Challenger­s and privately share, inspire and motivate each other on your weight loss journey. *Terms and conditions apply

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Alexandra Burke

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