South Wales Echo

School works to clear the air over its reputation


A SCHOOL commission­ed an air quality survey to address concerns of parents – and the results showed its air was better than the local average.

Willows High School in Cardiff is expecting to be over-subscribed for the first time in its 49-year history next year after a drive to alter what it says are misconcept­ions among some parents of pupils at surroundin­g primaries.

One of the concerns raised by parents was that air quality would be worse than at one of their favoured schools – Cardiff High – because Willows is near a steelworks.

Head teacher Chris Norman commission­ed a local authority expert working for Cardiff, Bridgend and Vale of Glamorgan, to analyse the air quality around the school. The survey shows the school, which is opposite Celsa Manufactur­ing, has cleaner air than the average for Cardiff.

“We got a full report back on the pollutants. It showed our air quality is better than average for Cardiff,” said Mr Norman. “It is the sort of thing as a parent I would be worried about. Our parents should be concerned about it.”

Since the survey, and a two-year drive to alter perception­s about Willows, applicatio­ns have soared.

This year’s year seven is the school’s biggest ever with 155 pupils. And with space for only 180, Mr Norman says next year is likely to be over-subscribed.

“The current year seven has 155 pupils but at this time last year the indicative was 69. This year the indicative is 143 so if that goes up as much as it did last year the school will be oversubscr­ibed. We can’t go over 180 for year seven so we would be looking at selection criteria.”

He said he is not competing with other local high schools but believes Willows is as good, if not better.

To try to show this to parents he has been running “meet the head” breakfast sessions, offered parents the chance to visit Willows unannounce­d and took a Willows roadshow to local primaries and community centres.

The school, which is ranked yellow “effective” in Welsh Government categorisa­tion, also sends its French, drama and PE teachers to teach year five classes every week in local primaries and brings in pupils to show what learning in Willows is like.

Mr Norman said: “We talked to parents and told them we are a viable option. We are not trying to poach children from other schools – although I think we can compete with them. We are trying to shrug off the historic reputation the school has.”

Assistant head teacher Gareth Ritter admitted it was tough going getting the message across at first. He said when he and Mr Norman first went to Marlboroug­h Primary, where some parents sent their children on to Welsh medium high school rather than Willows, no parents would speak to them.

“We were out in the yard and not a single parent came to talk to us. It was like we were a nasty disease, so we spoke to the head and asked parents for their honest perception­s,” said Mr Ritter.

Concerns ranged from poor air quality, to lack of sixth form, fears that there wouldn’t be foreign school trips because most pupils could not afford them and exam results.

Mr Norman said he is currently looking at a school trip to the USA and half of his year 11s already have maths and English GCSEs with 40% gaining a B grade or above.

Sarah-Jane Bailey, is among parents now considerin­g Willows for her son who is at year five Marlboroug­h Road Primary.

“There are misconcept­ions and parents should come in and see Willows,” she said.

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