South Wales Echo

YOUR PETS Bo loves cheese and doggy-cinos but not the rain


Pet’s name: Bo. Breed: Miniature Yorkshire terrier. Age: Four and a half. Owner: Lucy Atkinson, 55, a freelance writer, from Radyr, Cardiff. Owner’s story: “We had Bo from a puppy and he is just totally gorgeous.

“He’s the love of my life. I’m not a particular­ly doggy person and I had never had dogs before so Bo is my first one I’ve had.

“It was only when I read Small Dogs Can Save Your Life by Bel Mooney that I decided I wanted a small dog.

“I wanted a little dog so that if it’s raining he wouldn’t want to go out. If it’s a lovely day he’s happy to go for a walk, but if it’s raining he’s not bothered. It’s like he was made for me.

“All he ever wants to do is cwtch up. He’s got a bed in my office and he loves to be close to me and cwtch up. He’s lush.

“We did two lots of puppy training with him, he was not brilliant at it. But he’s not really naughty.

“He will come when he’s called and he will walk with you off the lead.

“He doesn’t really chew anything and he’s got a big box of his own toys. I’m home with him most of the time too.

“He loves eating chicken and cheese and scrambled eggs, but it’s mainly dog food. We take him to Hamptons in Penarth for a treat, because they’ve got doggy dining tables there and he can have a doggy-cino which is brilliant.

“Bo is my world. I have got four adult children and they all joke and say that I love Bo more than them!

“Bo’s favourite toy is a duck that we’ve named Jaime Lannister as he chewed one of his arms off!

“When my son was in Radyr Comprehens­ive School and would leave the house, Bo would always try and go with him.

“So my son would have to throw a ball away from the door and down the hallway in the opposite direction, and run out the door and go to school.

“But now this has gone on for so long now that anyone who visits the house, even online shopping delivery men, Bo will bring the ball to the door and they have to throw it before they can leave.

“We always have to explain why he brings the ball to them and starts barking.”

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