South Wales Echo

How free hugs help break us out of our anti-social bubbles


I RECEIVED an email last week from a man named Sri who said he and a group of friends would be giving away “free hugs” in Cardiff’s Queen Street on Saturday and asked if I would cover it for a story.

After a few minutes looking through a Facebook event to establish if this was a wind-up and that the guy wasn’t just a random man with intimacy issues, I replied that I would go and cover it.

Now I wouldn’t call myself averse to hugs but there are definitely specific occasions. Seeing my mum (she assumes I am after something), seeing my girlfriend (she doesn’t exist) or seeing my tortoise (he doesn’t reciprocat­e).

The idea of hugging a complete stranger is not necessary my go-to move when making first contact.

So I went down to Queen Street at 3pm on Saturday to see these huggers in action.

Upon arrival I must confess I was immediatel­y charmed by Sri and the whole occasion.

When I walk through the Welsh capital I am very much a headphones-inand-head-down walker. The headphones create my own bubble of either podcasts or rubbish pop.

This way I can be alone with my thoughts and annoy those little prepubesce­nt muppets who cycle along the pedestrian­ised high street doing wheelies on the bikes by “accidental­ly” not moving out of their way.

Sri and his merry band of huggers were breaking people out of their bubbles and offering them a bit of warmth and human contact.

To my great surprise most people, if not hugging, did offer them a laugh and smile.

It changed the vibe of the street and was genuinely quite lovely.

I have to give them their dues they were willing to hug anyone and had the patience of saints.

At one point a stag party came past, with the soon-to-be married man dressed as 19th century buxom tavern maid. Absolutely dripping with “banter”, he took one of the women up on their free hug offer and brought her into an embrace that must have been like a free trip around the Brains brewery.

Once he and his gang of culture vultures had moved on I had a chat with the huggers.

They told me that one of their main reasons for doing this was because of the rise in technology.

Sri pointed out that 20 or 30 years ago most people knew their neighbours and the pub or church (pick your vice) was their social hub.

Now, however, most people’s primary social contact had moved online. This has certainly contribute­d to the rise in loneliness that is so often documented in the media.

The serial cwtchers argued that their hugs were a way of reclaiming human contact.

This really struck a chord with how I have been feeling recently.

I have recently become obsessed with Charlie Brooker’s show Black Mirror (late to the party as always).

The title of that show is named after our obsession we have with the little black mirror in our hand (phone screen).

It brought to mind something I read recently about how you should think of social media.

Updates to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (pick your vice) are not designed to make your life more connected.

Instead the 500 engineers behind your screen are working towards one goal – making you stay longer on their product. There is something incredibly sinister about that. Soon it will be freshers’ week in Cardiff and literally thousands of young students will be descending on the city bars before their maintenanc­e loans burn a hole in the pockets of their skinny jeans. Traffic cones across the city are shivering with fear. I genuinely feel sorry for them (the freshers, not the cones). I am probably the last generation of students who didn’t go to uni with their parents on Facebook. Now don’t get me wrong – as a “full adult” I like having my parents on Facebook because I love them and I like seeing what they are doing.

However, the idea of them been able to see what I was doing as a fresher through the black mirror is slightly terrifying. For the latest generation of freshers, every time they get snapped by a mate chundering outside Tiger Tiger, there is a chance it could be beamed onto their parents’ timelines before they have woken from their stupor at 11am the next day.

For me the parents on Facebook is a different issue. Both are now retired so instead it is me who is treated to pictures of them having fun either on a motorbike (mum) or doing an obstacle course (dad) while I sit at home on a Saturday night giving a tortoise its calcium supplement­s.

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