South Wales Echo

Mum’s fear over ‘bullet-hole’ in bedroom window


A PREGNANT mother was left terrified after a “bullet-shaped” hole appeared in her bedroom window as she was putting her children to sleep.

Mother of two Stevie-Jade Williams, 22, from Barry, said she was petrified after the hole appeared in the window of her children’s bedroom in the exact location she had been standing moments earlier.

Miss Williams, who is four months pregnant, had been putting her fouryear-old daughter and 21-month-old son to bed at 8.30pm on October 26 when she heard a crack from the window.

She said: “On Thursday night I was home alone as my partner was in work.

“I was upstairs in the children’s bedroom which is at the front of the house. My boy was screaming and as he was playing up I thought I would close the window because of my neighbours.

“I bent down to pick up my son’s bottle and heard a loud crack.

“At first I thought it was my daughter throwing something but there was what I would describe as a bullet hole exactly where I was standing.”

After grabbing her children out of their beds the young mother resorted to taking shelter in the hallway as she phoned the police.

She said: “I didn’t know what was happening. So many thoughts went through my head.

“I grabbed by boy from the bed and my daughter from the top bunk and rang 999 straight away. I was crying my eyes out. In that moment you think of the worst. I’m pregnant and felt so helpless for my kids – I was terrified.”

Both Miss Williams and her children have been left shaken by the incident which has left her daughter Raya too scared to go back into her bedroom.

Miss Williams raised concerns over the police response after being told she would have to wait until the following morning to receive a visit.

She said: “I was screaming and asking [the call operator] to help me. You could hear the panic in my voice and for them to dismiss me is disgusting.

“My mum lives quite a while away and doesn’t drive and my partner was working in the next town.”

South Wales Police has apologised for the way the call was handled.

A police spokeswoma­n said: “We can confirm that we received a call from a resident in Dyfnallt Road, Barry to report something had been fired at her bedroom window on the evening of Thursday, October 26.

“We have apologised to the victim for the way in which we handled the initial call, which has now been reviewed. The following morning, officers attended the victim’s home to take statements and to carry out house-to-house and CCTV inquiries.

“Additional police patrols are being conducted in the area. The investigat­ion is still ongoing and we are appealing to anyone who may have informatio­n about this crime, to contact us immediatel­y on 101 or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 1700416893.

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