South Wales Echo

The not so secret diary of has set the cat among the of another autumn series


ALL those who have read the musings of Adrian Mole will surely agree that some diaries can be a great read.

“At tea-time I was looking at our world map, but I couldn’t see the Falkland Islands anywhere. My mother found them; they were hidden under a crumb of fruitcake,” records Sue Townsend’s creation, in The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole.

Samuel Pepys’s efforts have stood the test of time, too.

But in sport diaries divide opinion.

Some will maintain they are priceless. Usually, such advocates include media organisati­ons who serialise the thoughts of an individual.

Others are dismissive, seeing the aforementi­oned tomes as subjective attempts to write history. To those eyes, they are hopelessly one-sided and, as such, not worth a jot.

But everyone has a right to get his or her opinion out there and Warren Gatland seems intent on doing that with his diary of the Lions’ 2017 New Zealand tour, called In The Line of Fire, being serialised in the Daily Mail.

The New Zealander gave an interview to the Mail on Sunday over the weekend and if its job was to publicise his new book, then the said chat achieved its purpose.

That doesn’t mean to say what he said in conversati­on with the Mail on Sunday’s Oliver Holt was especially well-advised.

Gatland is a complex man. Attend one of his press conference­s or listen to him speak informally and it is completely easy to not only like him but understand how he gets the best out of people and has done so well as a coach.

Careers are short for players and they tend to respond to bosses who knows how to get them across the invariably water to where silverware lies. Gatland knows how to do this, even if Wales have struggled on that front in recent years.

He is big on loyalty and his record, including the drawn series in New Zealand in the summer — a superb effort by all concerned against a side who had been feted as the greatest in history — means he shouldn’t have to keep justifying himself as a coach. He is a man who is very good at what he does. End of.

But there is a side to him that is less easy to comprehend.

Like the football manager Jose Mourinho, he seems drawn to controvers­y. He appears happy to live in a world of thorns and doesn’t seem able to rest until his view is out there and it is the dominant take on things.

He appears not to have mellowed after all these years. Perhaps he should have. Maybe we will have to just accept that he is a man who doesn’t like being crossed and who will always want to right perceived slights.

But it doesn’t mean he is always right.

The Sean O’Brien row had been dealt with. The Irishman was entitled to his not-especially compliment­ary view of the way the Lions’ tour of New Zealand went, but he had spoken to Gatland over the phone and the issue had seemingly been put to bed.

Sanity clearly hadn’t had enjoyed its finest hour with his suggestion the tourists should have won the series 3-0.

Gatland had his say publicly and many agreed with him. The Lions had come together in just six weeks to match the best team on the planet. That was a startling achievemen­t. O’Brien was wrong but the argument had been had and it was time to consign it to history. Nothing more was to be gained from revisiting it, so why go there yet again?

And the U-turn over the Lions coaching job for 2021 was another odd one.

Less than two weeks earlier, Wales’s head coach had pronounced: “I just hated the press and the negativity in New Zealand. I’m done [with the Lions].

“When I look back on it now, there were a lot of things that were satisfying and what an achievemen­t it was, but it was tough work.”

Yet last weekend he had changed his mind.

“As far as me coaching the Lions again, never say never,” he told Holt. “There is a lot of water under the bridge. The way I was feeling when I said what I said.”

Warrenball? That shorthand tag of describing the way Wales have played for much of the time under Gatland, the tag he dislikes so much because he feels it pigeon holes him as a coach who is inflexible?

“What is Warrenball?” he says. “I don’t know. We used to joke that Warrenball should be Winningbal­l because look at all the trophies over the years with Wasps and Waikato and Wales and whatever. Whatever it is, it’s been successful.

“Ask me: playing attractive­ly or winning? I would take winning every day of the week. Maybe that’s where that phrase about Warrenball comes in.”

He continued: “A couple of years ago — you know how dumb people are — we came out and said we had changed the way we were going to play and then we scored a couple of great tries and everyone said it was ‘brilliant that Wales have changed the way they are playing’ but we just played exactly the same way.

“We just said we were playing differentl­y. No one knew.”

Wales certainly seemed to play differentl­y on their tour of New Zealand in 2016, making 14 clean breaks in the first Test. That’s one more than they managed in three previous matches against the All Blacks.

But why come up with that ‘dumb’ reference?

People are entitled to their views and just because such opinions may not be as informed as Gatland’s is there really a need to deride them as ‘dumb’?

The way Wales have played under the Kiwi has been an exercise in pragmatism, but outsiders are entitled to argue that there could have been another way, that others with different skill sets could have been given more opportunit­ies.

It is no insult, anyway, to contend that Wales have pursued a certain way of playing over the past eight years.

It brought them their most sustained period of success under any coach since the 1970s.

But against the best of the southern hemisphere it hasn’t proved enough. Facts and figures prove as much.

People have been looking to Gatland and Rob Howley to see if they can come up with extras, to help Wales unlock a few wins against the Sanzar sides while retaining the power-base to their team that is so essential in the modern game.

The pair showed in the summer with the Lions they could adapt. It is hardly insulting to wonder if that might happen with Wales heading towards the next World Cup.

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