South Wales Echo

Food bank helps more than 1,000


A FOOD bank in Cardiff has helped more than 1,000 people since opening over a year ago – including a mum who had to choose between buying her son shoes or eating.

Grangetown food bank, which runs from Grangetown Baptist Church on Clive Street, says it has helped an estimated 1,250 people since opening its doors 15 months ago.

The food bank now runs for two hours every Friday lunchtime.

Minister David Evans, who has helped run the food bank since it opened, said he has heard stories of those struggling to survive from some of the dozen or so volunteers who run the service.

He said: “Just recently, one of our volunteers was chatting to a lady who had her child sent home from school because he had the wrong footwear. She was told it only cost £10 to buy a correct pair but she said ‘They simply don’t understand that I don’t have £10 as we have to eat as well, and it’s so embarrassi­ng having to explain that.’

“The lady works part-time and has two children.

“Today we had a 19-year-old in and we have people who are retired, struggling to make ends meet.”

With the food bank open over the festive period – on December 22 and 29 – volunteers are now bracing themselves for a busy Christmas.

Minister Evans said: “At Christmas we expect a busy time. We’re bringing in extra food for that purpose.”

But they’re now warning that the problem of people not being able to afford to eat is only going to get worse with the rollout of Universal Credit next year.

Minister Evans said: “The numbers over the year have remained surprising­ly constant.

“But this problem is likely to become more acute before it gets better.

“While the end result is hoped to be an improved system of support, the present delays of around six weeks in the transfer will almost certainly place a greater demand on food banks as well as other support services.

“So, with the many who simply cannot afford the basics of life at the moment, let alone the luxuries – we are grateful for the support of people from across our community so that we can help those in their time of need.

“Our mission is to ensure, as far as possible, that each person who comes for food leaves feeling better in themselves.”

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