South Wales Echo

Living on streets at Christmas


CHRISTMAS is a time when most people celebrate with their loved ones in their own home – but for many people this is an unattainab­le dream.

Thousands of people in Wales are homeless or sleeping rough over the Christmas period, many of them with families or young children.

Statistics released by Shelter Cymru revealed that more than 750 families in Wales will be homeless and living in temporary accommodat­ion over Christmas, including 1,300 children.

The charity also revealed more than 18,000 people came to them for help with housing problems in the last year, equivalent to 50 people every day.

Anyone who walks the streets of Cardiff or Swansea city centres can see the issue of homelessne­ss in Wales, but not many of us know the stories behind the faces we see in the street.

We spoke to a number of people who have experience­d homelessne­ss of some form, some of whom had been able to turn their lives around, and others who are still working to improve their lives.

Paul Jones from Blackwood currently spends his nights at shelters throughout Caerphilly borough, having spent a number of years on and off sleeping rough.

Speaking about his situation, the 50-year-old said: “I have had substance abuse problems over the years but I had a flat in Gelligaer seven years ago. “I relapsed and was using heroin. “A lot of youngsters got wind of it and put a dumpster by my front door and set fire to it. The council wanted me to move back in but I wouldn’t do that for my own safety. I ended up sleeping rough.

“I have slept under bridges and tents and I spent a couple of weeks on the streets of Cardiff.

“It’s horrific, really, especially at this time of year.

“It’s so cold you’re frightened to go to sleep in case you end up with hypothermi­a. You have to get out of the way because there are a lot of drunken people about and you could get hurt.”

While Paul has been able to sleep on a friend’s sofa on the odd night here and there, he says he doesn’t like to impose upon people.

Speaking about being homeless at Christmas, Paul said: “It’s the same as the rest of the year. All my family have passed away so I don’t really miss anything. Christmas is just another day for me. It would be nice to have a turkey dinner, though.

“People should just be aware of rough sleepers. It’s a big problem and there are a lot of people on the streets.”

Jenna Franklin, from Pontllanfr­aith, declared herself homeless a year ago after months of sleeping on friends’ sofas after losing her tenancy as a result of her drug addiction.

Describing the period, the 27-yearold said: “It was horrible, it was the worst feeling ever.

“You don’t know where you’re going to sleep and it’s quite a strain on you.”

After visiting a night shelter in Caerphilly borough, Jenna was put in contact with Cornerston­e Support Services, which works to get people off the street and into accommodat­ion.

She went through rehab where she was able to kick her addiction, and now serves as Cornerston­e’s lead volunteer, working with those who were previously in her position.

Jenna said: “It’s the most giving thing and it makes me feel good about myself.

“I was in that situation myself and I know how it feels. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”

Visit www.cornerston­esupport servicesli­ for more informatio­n about the services Cornerston­e provide in South Wales and visit https://sheltercym­ for more informatio­n about they work they do.

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