South Wales Echo

Pair sent to jail for knifepoint robbery


A ROBBER brandished a six-inch knife at takeaway staff while his girlfriend pocketed cash from the till in a latenight armed robbery.

Calvin Dawe and Kirsty Hodgson, who were drunk when they robbed Bite Spice in Bridgend county last year, laughed and shouted in the dock as they were sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court.

The court heard the incident – which was filmed on a mobile phone – occurred at the takeaway in Oxford Street, Pontycymer, at around 10.45pm on December 10 last year.

Prosecutor John Warren said Hodgson had previously been employed by victim Mohammed Sofan at the takeaway.

Mr Warren said Dawe was using “bad language” as he walked into the premises and then said to Mr Sofan: “You bloody foreigners are taking all our money.”

The court heard Hodgson tried to get behind the counter, saying: “Let’s get the money and get out.”

Prosecutor­s said Mr Sofan tried to stop Hodgson, then Dawe took a knife out of his pocket and pointed it at the victim.

Mr Warren said Mr Sofan tried to call the police but Hodgson “snatched” the phone away from him.

The victim described a six-inch knife with a three-inch blade and said he felt “scared” when he saw the weapon.

Prosecutor­s said Dawe told him: “Let her take the money.”

His colleague, Nanu Miah, then came to the counter and took hold of Dawe’s hand that was holding the knife.

Mr Warren said: “While this was going on Hodgson took all the money out of the till and placed it in her pocket.”

The court heard Mr Sofan suffered a scratch to his shoulder and the defendants made off with £333.50.

Prosecutor­s said Dawe punched Mr Miah to the eye, leaving him with bruising, as well as a cut to his wrist.

Mr Miah filmed the robbery on his phone and the footage helped police to identify Dawe. Hodgson was traced because the victim had her address and phone number.

Firearms officers attended the couple’s address in High Street, Pontycymer, and they were arrested at 12.20am.

The defendants laughed in the dock as Mr Warren told the court Hodgson replied to caution: “Robbery? You’re having a f***ing laugh.”

The court heard officers recovered a knife and cash in a tracksuit pocket.

Prosecutor­s said Hodgson was “unco-operative” with the police and spat in an officer’s face as she was detained.

In his police interview Dawe stated he was drunk and could not remember much about the incident. Hodgson did not reply to any questions.

Prosecutor­s said the complainan­ts did not wish to make victim impact statements.

Dawe, 29, from High Street in Pontycymer, admitted robbery and possessing an offensive weapon.

Prosecutor­s said he had been before the courts for more than 40 previous offences including theft, burglary and drug offences.

Dawe laughed as the prosecutor told the court he had been out of prison for just 20 days at the time of the robbery.

Peter Donnison, defending, suggested the offence was “unsophisti­cated” as the defendants made no attempt to hide their identity.

Mr Donnison said his client “had trouble” with drink and drugs.

Hodgson, 27, also from High Street, admitted the same offences, plus common assault.

Prosecutor­s said she had five previous conviction­s, including a street robbery which involved her stealing a handbag.

Byron Broadstock, defending, said she worked at the takeaway for six weeks and was involved in a dispute about pay.

Her barrister told the court she was “desperate for money”.

He added: “She was at the lowest possible ebb.”

Judge Jonathan Furness QC noted Dawe “brandished” the knife but did not cause any significan­t injuries.

Dawe was jailed for three years and eight months and Hodgson for three years and 10 months.

The judge made an order for the cash to be confiscate­d and the knife to be destroyed.

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