South Wales Echo

BABIES Baby Gwen’s big sister Eva loves to hold and feed her


Baby’s name: Gwen Emily Hutchings. Date and place of birth: August 16 at 5.42pm at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Weight: 7lb 4oz. Parents: Mum Sara Hutchings, 40, a podiatrist, and dad Andrew Hutchings, 42, a quantity surveyor, from Lisvane, Cardiff. Mum’s story: “This is our second baby – we have a nine-year-old daughter called Eva. I had to have regular checkups with Gwen as I had pre-eclampsia with Eva.

“They wanted to induce me at week 40 but I ended up having an emergency C-section.

“I was in hospital on the Tuesday and then on the Wednesday the contractio­ns started coming thick and fast and then her heart rate dropped so I was rushed to theatre.

“It was all quite traumatic. We had to stay in hospital for a while – we came home on the Saturday. I was very glad to get home.

“The staff were absolutely fantastic at the hospital. They were like a Formula One team taking me to theatre and they were all very considerat­e.

“Eva was ecstatic, she was very happy to be a big sister.

“She has been fantastic with her – she holds her and helps feed her but she’s not too keen on the nappies.

“Touch wood she’s been sleeping through.

“She’s very content and happy and she’s just started to find her voice now too.

“We just gave some thought to names for a boy and for a girl and with Gwen it was the one that we settled on quite some time ago.

“Obviously there’s quite a bit of an age gap between Gwen and Eva and we didn’t want Eva to feel left out.

“When you have a nine-year-old though you can explain things and they can understand more.

“I do think you are a bit more relaxed the second time around.

“With Eva I had cravings for banana sandwiches and milkshakes but with Gwen I didn’t have any cravings. I did have morning sickness but it was more nausea than actually being sick.”

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