South Wales Echo


Whether it’s at a football match or an internatio­nal summit, you may have noticed more police dogs on the beat in South Wales. There’s such demand, the force is even breeding its own pups. But, as Amanda Powell has been finding out, at the heart of all th


WHAT they’re dealing with can be gruelling and grim. It could be confrontin­g a knife-wielding criminal, uncovering drugs dealers or searching for human remains.

But, when we go along to meet them, the officers working in the South Wales Police dog section are all smiles, and their four-legged co-workers waggy-tailed and excited to play along as we photograph and film.

Police constable and handler Helen McWilliam has a six-year-old generalpur­pose German shepherd called Winn and a two-year-old springer spaniel called Teddy who is a crime scene investigat­ion dog.

Like all of the 64 working dogs in South Wales Police, her dogs live at home with her and she says it’s hard to put into words the strength of the “massive” bond she has with them.

“I spend more time with my dogs than any other any person, including my husband, or any other family member because they’re with me in work, they’re with me at home, so on my rest days, I’m having to walk them morning and night,” PC McWilliam explains.

“They’re with me all the time, they’re part of the family so effectivel­y, they’re like my children, although they protect me.”

It’s a nervy encounter for our photograph­er who positions himself at the end of a field for Helen to demonstrat­e “the bite” with German shepherd Winn barking loudly and aggressive­ly, ready to be let off the lead and race towards the camera.

Once released, Winn speeds towards Sergeant Andrew Patterson who’s playing the role of villain and clamps her teeth firmly on the officer’s heavily-padded arm.

No matter how hard Sgt Patterson tries, he can’t shake the dog off, until a command from PC McWilliam brings her dog back with plenty of praise for a job well done.

This is an exercise, but it’s this kind of training which is not only a key part of crime-fighting, but also something which keeps the handlers safe in sticky situations.

PC McWilliam recounts a middleof-the night encounter when she was alone in the darkness with Winn, searching for the driver of a stolen car who had run off in woodland above Merthyr Tydfil.

“We were tracking for about 40 minutes on our own, and we found him hiding in a bush at the top of the mountain,” she said, describing the moment when the dog detected the suspect trying to evade them.

“When he came out, he saw the dog. He stayed some distance away from me.

“She was barking and protecting me, as she’s trained to do.

“His first words to me were: ‘You’re brave aren’t you, coming up here on your own?’ but then I said: ‘I’ve got the dog to protect me.’

“He sat on the floor then, and said: ‘All right, I’m not coming near you.’

“The dog just barked and kept me safe until the divisional units could come and join me and walk him back to the police car.”

She says she feels honoured to be one of the 33 police officers working with these animals.

“There’s not many dog handlers in South Wales Police, so I feel it’s a massive privilege to have been able to get on the dogs section and to be able to work with the dogs every day.”

The need for police dogs has grown enormously, especially for those trained to sniff out explosives at big events like the 2017 Champions League final in Cardiff and the 2014 Nato summit, which saw world leaders like President Barack Obama, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President François Hollande descend on South Wales.

“To help make sure the events run smoothly and that everyone’s safe, the explosives dogs are used massively,” Sgt Patterson explains.

“The amount it’s increased in the last three or four years especially, has been phenomenal.”

It’s one thing teaching your family pet to sit and stay, but of course the obedience these dogs need goes far beyond that, although the method of praise and reward will be familiar to any owner.

Sgt Patterson demonstrat­es how a dog can track a set of car keys, perhaps discarded by a drink-driver when the police turn up.

“We throw the keys out, give the dog the command to go and find the property, and the dog will locate it,” he says.

“It starts off by putting something on the floor, and when the dog comes across it, you reward them. Then you just build up from that.”

The dogs can also be trained to detect all manner of items like passports and even mobile phone SIM cards.

“You can train a dog to find whatever you want it to find,” he says, explaining how they get through a lot of old tennis balls which they use to reward the animals.

Although the dogs and handlers are close and even affectiona­te towards each other, there’s a big difference in the relationsh­ip between the canine companions and your average family pet.

“You’ve got to make sure the dog doesn’t become a pet – it is always a working dog,” says Sgt Patterson, who’s in charge of spaniel Spud and German shepherd/Belgian malinois cross, Amber.

“They can switch off at home, but as soon as the dogs get in the police vans, they switch on and become totally different animals.

“When it’s out on the street, you want your dog to stand up for you and defend you.”

That means the working dogs aren’t allowed to lounge on the sofa at home or even sleep in the kitchen.

“They live outside, they smell differentl­y to pet dogs and my wife wouldn’t let them in the house.

“I’m lucky she lets me in the house,” he quips.

“If they were used to living in a house, sitting on the settee all day and then suddenly they’ve got to work a night shift in -5°C, then they wouldn’t be used to that... ours are outside in all temperatur­es, so when you want them to work outside in the hot and the cold they’re used to the climate, and it’s not a problem.”

The climate was one of the biggest factors to contend with when Sgt Patterson and spaniel Spud were involved in the search for Madeleine McCann, the toddler who disappeare­d in Portugal in 2007.

Four dogs from the force went to Portugal, a very different experience compared with home soil.

“We had a lot of pressure there because of the press, they were being watched all the time,” he said.

“The heat was a massive factor. They had to start very, very early so they could work the dogs before it got too hot with constant resting them, rehydratin­g them, cooling them down.

“But the dogs will work, whatever, you’ve just got to look after them.”

The different breeds have different characteri­stics, and all have their own individual personalit­ies, strengths and weaknesses, he adds.

He describes the malinois dogs as “very intelligen­t, very sharp, high drive, just very good all-round dogs.

“These will be general-purpose dogs, which are the archetypal police

dog, like the German shepherd dogs.

“They’re used for public order events like football, they’re used for tracking, they’re used for finding vulnerable people who go missing. They can switch on and switch off. They can do a bit of everything.

“We’re using the spaniels for their nose, which is incredible, and if you’ve ever had a spaniel in your house, you know it’s got to be walked.

“They’ve got the drive, they’ll go and go and go. They fall off things, but they bounce back up and carry on as though nothing’s happened.”

Those who don’t make the grade are then re-homed, and their failure as a police dog could be for a variety of reasons.

“It could be they don’t have the drive, they don’t have the aggression, certain things may frighten them too much, so they can’t be worked, so they’ve got to be a good all-round dog to make a police dog.”

The reliance on this four-legged crime-fighting force has meant South Wales Police has now turned to breeding its own animals again, which is something it used to do more than 20 years ago.

“We were struggling to get dogs,” Sgt Patterson says. “We decided to cut out the middleman and breed our own.”

A litter of German shepherds – Axel, Arla, Apollo, Astra and Ariel – were born last summer, and have been followed by six-month-old Belgian malinois pups Blod and Beti.

These young dogs are fostered out to become pets for delighted carers, until they’re old enough to become working police animals and assigned to a handler.

The foster parents, or puppy walkers, as they’re known, weren’t difficult to find. When the dog section put out an appeal, there were more than enough volunteers, including PC Stacey Strevens, who’s a reponse officer based in Barry.

“We had an advert on our police website, advertisin­g that for the first time in ages, you can be a police puppy fosterer,” says PC Strevens, who’s become temporary “mum” to Beti.

“I applied, thinking everyone would apply and then one of the sergeants rang me and said: ‘Your name’s been chosen out of the hat, you’ve got one of the puppies, would you like to come down and meet them?’

“That’s the day I met Beti and her sister Blod and I took Beti home then.

“Me and my partner were going to get a dog anyway, so we thought, ‘what an amazing opportunit­y.’ We were so excited to get her.

“I was a bit apprehensi­ve on the way, because you can hear all the barking as you turn up, then out she runs, a little fluffball, eight weeks old.”

The pups will stay with their foster carers until they’re about 18 months old, and then they have to join the ranks at the dog section, which PC Strevens admits will be a wrench.

“Me and my partner have decided we’re not going to speak about it, because she’s so attached.

“We brought her down here for five days the other day when I went on holiday and she cried when we put her in the kennels, so she’s had a little taste of police dog life.

“I think when she goes, we’re going to get a dog of our own just because it’s going to be so hard to give her up, but we want her to do really well in her training.

“She’s so intelligen­t, she doesn’t miss a trick. The other day, I was late feeding her dinner, and she pawed the cupboard to tell me: ‘It’s dinnertime, mum.’

“She’s very bright, she knows your routine, she’s so good at recall, if she’s in the field, she’ll look around to see where I am, she’s just switched on. She’ll make a brilliant police dog, I’m really proud of her.”

Another foster parent is Sgt Rob Elmer from Llanishen in Cardiff. He beams as he tells me how enjoyable the experience has been with Beti’s sister Blod at home.

This was the ideal opportunit­y, he says, especially as he wouldn’t have thought about having a malinois breed.

“We all wanted a dog but we were a bit unsure about commitment for the long-term and this fitted in well,” Sgt Elmer says.

“I feel really privileged to be honest. It’s great for me, I’m out twice a day, every morning, every evening, walking her.

“The same with the kids, they love having her around. She has constant attention with five of us in and out all day and a couple of walks. She does all right for company and there’s plenty of play time, she seems really happy.”

There’s plenty of play for the fostered police pups, as their carers acclimatis­e them to day-to-day life, bringing them back to the dog section for assessment every month to six weeks.

Sgt Patterson says the pups are treated in quite a different way to the older working dogs.

“The pups are pets, they live in the house, they sleep on settees, they have a nice life,” he says.

“We don’t want them to be too obedient, we want them to be a little bit wild, we want them to experience everything they will when they’re working.

“We want them to go into different environmen­ts, where there are lots and lots of people, where there’s traffic, where there’s shiny floors, where there’s stairs, trains. Everything they’ll encounter when they’re working, we want them to go and experience it now as pups, because the younger they do it, the more used to it they’ll get.

“When they become police dogs they have to go into all sorts of different environmen­ts.

“They’ll have to search houses, they’ll have to go to train stations, they have to go to large gatherings with lots and lots of people around, so we want the pups to be put in as many situations as possible to test them and get them used to the different environmen­ts.”

His affinity with the dogs is evident as he has a slip of the tongue while describing what happens next.

“When they become police officers, I mean police dogs, that’s when they’ll change.

“We start to train them in using their natural instincts.

“We’ll enhance those natural instincts, to use their noses, to use their speed, to use their bites, we’ll use their natural powers and abilities to mould them into how we’ll use them, to find people, to find property, to find explosives, to find drugs, we’ll utilise their different skills for maximum benefit, to keep the people of South Wales safe.”

The dog section needs more old tennis balls to use in training. If you can help, email andrew.patterson@

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 ??  ?? PC Helen McWilliam’s dog Winn using Sgt Andrew Patterson as the target
PC Helen McWilliam’s dog Winn using Sgt Andrew Patterson as the target
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 ?? RICHARD WILLIAMS ?? PC Helen McWilliam with her dog Teddy
RICHARD WILLIAMS PC Helen McWilliam with her dog Teddy
 ??  ?? Malinois pup Beti was ‘just a ball of fluff’ when foster-carer PC Stacey Strevens met her
Malinois pup Beti was ‘just a ball of fluff’ when foster-carer PC Stacey Strevens met her
 ??  ?? Sgt Rob Elmer who is training his dog Blod
Sgt Rob Elmer who is training his dog Blod

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