South Wales Echo

Fans accused of violence were ‘acting as peacemaker­s’


TWO Aston Villa fans accused of violent disorder after a Cardiff City match have claimed they were acting as peacemaker­s.

Villa fans Steven Fowler and Paul Sweeney, along with Cardiff City fan Dominic Burgess, are on trial for the incident that happened at The Cornwall pub in Grangetown on the evening of August 12 last year.

The pair said they had left the game before half-time after a “terrible” performanc­e from their team and had been drinking in the city centre.

Sweeney, 32, from Knightcote Drive in Solihull, said they’d had good natured banter with Cardiff fans after leaving the match.

“We went to the match but left just before half-time when we were 2-0 down,” he said.

“I’d had enough, we were terrible. “We got a taxi to St Mary Street from a pub near the ground.

“We went into a few pubs there, had a couple of drinks and watched the results come in.

“There were Cardiff City fans in the pubs and it was fun.

“We then got a taxi to back to The Packet where we drank for another hour.

“We then got on the bus at The Packet where we expected to be going back to Birmingham.

“I was not aware it was going to stop at the pub.”

In CCTV shown to Cardiff Crown Court Sweeney was seen with two objects in his hands shouting towards the pub with his arms outstretch­ed.

“I had a plastic cup and half a bottle of Jack Daniels which was for the way home,” he said.

“Glass bottles and pint glasses were been thrown at me – I was a bit angry.

“I didn’t want to get involved so I was angry they were throwing glasses at me.

“I asked them ‘why are you throwing bottles at me, I am not doing anything’.

“I was telling everyone to get on the bus, I wanted to get out of there.”

Prosecutor James Wilson said to Sweeney: “You were part of a group that you knew full well were intent on causing violence?”

Sweeney replied: “I caused no violence and I threw no bottles.”

Mr Wilson added: “By having those objects you are inciting violence.”

Sweeney responded: “That is your opinion.”

Fowler, 49, from Cottage Lane, Sutton Coldfield, had three previous conviction­s for violent offences, two of which football related. These were in 2004 and 2005 and Fowler told the court he had not attended many football matches since.

Following questionin­g from his defence lawyer Gary Bell he confirmed he was the managing director of a company that installs suspended ceilings employing almost 20 staff including freelancer­s.

The father of two also said his father had died from cancer a week before the incident.

When asked by Mr Bell how he reacted to the violence he said he was trying to calm the situation.

He told the court: “People were asking to stop at a shop. When the bus stopped I wanted to go to the toilet.

“I didn’t see the initial violence because I was looking for my son.

“I was telling Craig to stop.

“I was shouting at Cardiff City fans to get back in the pub and that I will get them [the Aston Villa fans] back on the coach.”

Prosecutor James Wilson asked Fowler how the coach, which was supposed to be going to Birmingham, ended up in Grangetown.

Fowler replied: “I haven’t got a clue.”

“It is just a coincidenc­e it stopped near a Cardiff City pub?” said Mr Wilson

Fowler said: “I can’t help you with that.”

Mr Wilson then asked: “Why didn’t you grab your son and go back to the bus?”

Fowler said: “People were throwing bottles. I was more focused on that.”

During both men’s initial interviews they both answered “no comment” to all questions.

When questioned why they didn’t answer Sweeney said: “Because I was nervous to be honest with you.”

Fowler said it was after legal advice from his lawyer.

The trial continues.

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