South Wales Echo

‘36-hour labour worth it for Lewis’


Baby’s name: Lewis Simons.

Date and place of birth: November 2 at 11.11am at the University Hospital Of Wales, Cardiff.

Weight: 8lb 2oz.

Parents: Mum, Jenny Simons, 29 and dad, Ken Simons, 32, security guard. Mum’s story: “During the pregnancy I suffered badly with morning sickness and flatulence.

“Apart from that, there were no problems with the pregnancy at all.

“We found out that we were having a boy at the 20-week scan.

“We would have been happy either way, with a boy or a girl, as long as they were healthy.

“Compared to the relatively easy pregnancy the labour was completely the opposite.

“I was in labour for nearly 36 hours before Lewis decided he wanted to come out.

“Although I was in a lot of pain, I was overwhelme­d with happiness when I saw him.

“Lewis means the world to me and he is such a happy baby.

“Yes, the delivery was a whole new level of pain, but the reward of Lewis at the end of it made everything better.

“Ken is over the moon with Lewis and he does his fair share of the nappy changing, if not more than me, when he is at home.

“Lewis has made our family unit complete.

“Life was good before he arrived but now he is here I wouldn’t change anything.”

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Lewis Simons

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