South Wales Echo

Moss’ walks led to love


Pet name: Moss.

Age: Three.

Breed: Cross.

Owner: Lee Jones, 35, from Radyr. Owner’s story: Lee said: “Moss is named after my favourite character from Channel 4’s The I.T. Crowd.

“I’ve had Moss since he was a puppy, as a friend’s dog had a litter and I was given him as a present.

“To say that Moss has changed my life would be an understate­ment.

“Before I had Moss in my life, I was out every night, living it up, so you could say that he has calmed me down in a totally good way.

“When I had him first I couldn’t decide on a name for him – for the first few days he was called Rik, after Rik Mayall.

I even thought of calling him Silent Bob as he was so quiet.

“I met my girlfriend through him, as I would take him out for his walkies. It was there that I met the love of my life, Alyssa, who was taking her dog out walking as well.

“Thankfully, both our dogs like each other, or that would have put a dampener on the relationsh­ip.

“There are a few things he loves to do like play with his toys, of which he has loads.

“Moss also loves his food, and if ever I have onion he always tries to take it from me, but I know that it can be harmful to dogs so I’ve got to be extra careful.

“One thing that is strange about my Moss is that he doesn’t mind the vacuum cleaner. If anything he doesn’t like it when we switch it off.

“Moss is a great dog, as he loves to cuddle and play fetch, I’d go as far to say that he prefers to fetch things that he has thrown himself over anything that we ask him to retrieve.

“I suppose he likes to do it as he knows he will get his belly rubbed.”

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