South Wales Echo

Britain is misgoverne­d and we’re under threat


OF course Trump has a huge appetite for a UK trade deal as he can’t wait to embroil us in his trade wars, which could so easily lead to war, as in 1939. He can’t wait for new markets for American farmers, which will destroy British agricultur­e, as in the years before the First World War.

American pharmaceut­ical and healthcare companies eagerly await their chance to take over our NHS.

Naturally he expresses high regard for Boris Johnson as an unelected Prime Minister who owes his position to his willingnes­s to serve the interest of billionair­es who do not want to pay their fair share of tax for public services they don’t need to use, or to lose their tax havens to the possibilit­y of EU regulation.

We are being misgoverne­d by a cabal of extreme Brexiteers in a conspiracy to pervert the referendum result into licence to overrule Parliament so that they can betray the national interest.

We urgently need a government of national unity to take on these dangerous, failed ministers who owe their Cabinet places to the cruel pretence that a no-deal Brexit will not ruin peace in Northern Ireland and not ruin housing, education and healthcare for all but their own wealthy elite.

Margaret Phelps


Peace, prosperity worth paying for

HARRY Thomas argues that the EU’s “aficionado­s prefer to ignore its political dimensions”. “Aficionado” is of course a Spanish word which covers, as well as its more common meaning, amateur bull-fighter! English not good enough for you, Mr Thomas?

Be that as it may, I and many other Remainers fully embrace the EU’s political dimension. If Mr Thomas seeks a reason let him visit the British and other war graves scattered across Europe and North Africa. It took two European wars in the past century before a peaceful accommodat­ion for German economic expansioni­sm, argued by some as the cause of both wars, was found in the form of the European Coal and Steel Community. This, as we know, evolved into the EEC and then the European Union with, from 1974, the full if at times sceptical participat­ion of the UK (nothing wrong with scepticism provided it isn’t a cover for chauvinism).

Then, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the EU absorbed a number of countries the economies of which had under communist regimes continuall­y under-performed. These make up 12 of the 18 beneficiar­y nations. The rest in the main had been blighted by regimes a lot less democratic than the EU. All have been involved in the two European wars, most host British war graves.

All have benefited materially and culturally from EU membership. This is reflected in the Eurobarome­ter survey findings for 2019 which identified that 68% of respondent­s across the EU27 believe that their countries have benefited from being part of the EU, a repeat of the previous year’s result.

Where then is Mr Thomas’ “considerab­le dissatisfa­ction with the institutio­n in a number of its member states”?

I’m sorry if having to point all this out to Mr Thomas makes me “less endearing” but at £8.9bn pa (less than £3 per head per week) European peace and prosperity are well worth paying for. To quote the “one nation” Conservati­ve writer Ferdinand Mount (Eton & Oxford), Brexiters are “the feckless children of 70 years of peace”.

Robin Lynn

Sully, Penarth

We want no part in EU’s corruption

PEOPLE forget that before Brexit the EU was seen by the majority as an undemocrat­ic, inflexible, inefficien­t bureaucrat­ic gravy train. Cameron, then Macron, made futile attempts to reform it. Since the referendum, however, as it served the banks, big business and globalisat­ion, its image has been transforme­d by the establishm­ent to that of a benign, avuncular bastion of reason and understand­ing. In stark contrast Brexiteers are depicted as aging, right-wing zealots determined to “crash out”.

I have, like the rest of the country, often railed at British politician­s’ perceived veracity and episodes such as the MPs expenses scandal. However, compared to the wider world, including Europe, our public servants are the epitome of virtue. Escaping public scrutiny we have a new EU leadership which has emerged unelected after protracted wheeler-dealing behind closed doors that placated all 28 member states. Unsurprisi­ngly one is German, the other French, both well connected. New European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is mired in corruption allegation­s regarding the illicit issuing of public contracts when German defence minister. Ex-chief of the IMF, and now European Central Bank President, Christine Lagarde has been convicted of fraud and narrowly escaped jail. Incredibly, Silvio Berlusconi is a newly elected MEP. Brussels’ bunga-bunga bashes perhaps.

Bulgaria has been adjudged to be the most corrupt nation in the EU with its anti-corruption chief, Plamen Georgiev, recently having been sacked for corruption. In the last few days it has been reported that Croatian police have beaten and robbed refugees and removed them from their country without processing them as per EU regulation­s. The police have stated that they were carrying out the government’s instructio­ns. In defiance of EU regulation­s Poland and Hungary refuse immigrants entry, the latter using razor wire to keep them out.

In 2015, Angela Merkel, on a whim, unilateral­ly opened the German border, in essence the gateway to Europe to a million refugees without identifyin­g or processing them, all of whom will eventually hold EU passports.

Rejecting membership of such an ever-expanding, unwieldy, undemocrat­ic, often corrupt, super-state is a moral as well as an economic choice.

Dennis Coughlin


Sign up and defeat bowel cancer

AS someone who loves to walk, I’m proud to support Bowel Cancer UK’s Walk Together fundraiser. In Wales one in 13 men and one in 18 women will be diagnosed with bowel cancer during their lifetime

We urgently need a government of national unity to take on these dangerous, failed ministers

Margaret Phelps Penarth

Walk Together is a sponsored walk that brings people from all “walks” of life together to show our support for those undergoing treatment, remember loved ones and help stop people dying from bowel cancer.

You can join Cardiff’s five-mile walk on Saturday, September 28, take on a virtual walk at your own pace, or plan your own special Walk Together in your area.

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in Wales and the country’s second-biggest cancer killer. However, it shouldn’t be because it is treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early.

Sign up to Walk Together in Cardiff today! bowelcance­­er

Gaby Roslin BBC broadcaste­r c/o Bowel Cancer UK

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