South Wales Echo

Man jailed for hitting football fan in toilet row

- PHILIP DEWEY Reporter philip.dewey@walesonlin­

A FOOTBALL fan was knocked out with one punch after he threatened to urinate on two men he accused of urinating on him.

Jason Evans, 27, assaulted Alan Ganter in the Cottage pub in Cardiff city centre on February 3 after the victim followed the defendant and his friend out of the toilet and took his genitals out of his trousers.

After accusing the two men of urinating on his jeans and cardigan Mr Ganter said: “How would you like it if someone p ***** over you?”. He then took his privates out and added: “Do you want me to p*** over you?”

The next thing Mr Ganter remembered was waking up on the floor after Evans delivered a single blow to his face which rendered him unconsciou­s for five minutes.

A sentencing hearing at Cardiff Crown Court yesterday heard Mr Ganter had travelled to Cardiff with his wife Helen and friends from the south-west coast of England to watch Bournemout­h play Cardiff City on February 2.

After the game had finished the party went to the Cottage in St Mary Street where they stayed until the early hours of the morning.

Some time after midnight Mr Ganter and his group decided to head back to their hotel but he went to use the toilet before they departed and saw two men, Evans and a friend named in court only as Mr Fury, as he entered.

Prosecutor Bethan Evans said: “One of the men began to urinate and it went on Mr Ganter’s jeans and cardigan. He asked them what they were doing.

“The complainan­t went back out to the bar area, as has the defendant and the other male, and there has been a confrontat­ion.

“Mr Ganter said: ‘How would you like it if someone p ***** over you?.’ He removed his penis and said: ‘Do you want me to p*** over you?’

“The complainan­t put his penis back in his trousers and he can’t remember anything further until he came around.”

CCTV footage of the incident of the assault, which was not shown in court, was described as showing Evans stepping forward and punching Mr Ganter to the face causing him to fall to the floor. Mr Ganter’s wife came to his aid and described him as remaining unconsciou­s for five minutes.

The victim was taken to the University Hospital of Wales, in Cardiff, but decided to leave before he was seen.

He later attended hospital in

Bournemout­h where he received treatment to a cut lip and a cut and lump to the back of his head. He was also diagnosed with concussion.

In a victim person statement Mr Ganter said he was unable to work for three days due to his injuries and said the incident had left him shaken and with feelings of anxiety.

Evans, who has previous conviction­s for a public order offence and racially aggravated assault among others, answered “no comment” to questions in his police interview.

He was found guilty of assault occasionin­g actual bodily harm following a trial at Cardiff Magistrate­s’ Court.

Defence barrister Ruth Smith said her client denied urinating on Mr Ganter but conceded Mr Fury said he may have done so by accident.

She said Evans had difficulty with alcohol and had “an enormous amount of drink” on the day of the assault. She said the defendant drank to deal with the death of his mother and sister who were killed in a car accident and he had also recently lost a friend in similar circumstan­ces.

Sentencing, Judge Tracey LloydClark­e said: “You knocked your victim unconsciou­s in a public house in the presence of others and his wife.

“If you knock someone unconsciou­s in a pub in the city centre when you yourself have been drinking it’s a matter that merits an immediate custodial sentence.”

Evans, of Tyla Lane, Old St Mellons, was sentenced to six months’ imprisonme­nt.

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 ??  ?? Jason Evans has been jailed
Jason Evans has been jailed
 ??  ?? The Cottage on St Mary Street, Cardiff
The Cottage on St Mary Street, Cardiff

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