South Wales Echo

‘Politician­s should protect people from going hungry’


AS the general election nears, the Trussell Trust is calling for politician­s of all parties to pledge to protect people from hunger by ensuring everyone has enough money for the basics.

The charity reports that more people than ever before are being forced to use food banks, with more than 56,000 emergency food parcels given out in the past six months in Wales.

New data shows April to September 2019 to be the busiest half-year period for food banks in the Trussell Trust’s network since the charity opened. During the six months, 56,843 three-day emergency food supplies were given to people in crisis in Wales; almost half of these (20,657) went to children.

This is a 17% increase on the previous six months.

The main reasons for people needing emergency food in Wales are benefits consistent­ly not covering the cost of living (34%), and delays (19%) or changes (18%) to benefits being paid.

The new figures come just a week after the Trussell Trust released State of Hunger, the most in-depth study ever published into hunger and the drivers of food bank use in the UK.

State of Hunger shows there are three drivers hitting people simultaneo­usly and leaving no protection from hunger and poverty. These are problems with the benefits system, ill health or challengin­g life experience­s, and a lack of local support.

The Trussell Trust is calling for politician­s on all sides to pledge to protect people from hunger by ensuring everyone has enough money for the basics.

It is asking the next government to working towards a future where noone needs a food bank by ending the five-week wait for Universal Credit, ensuring benefit cover the cost of living and investing in local support for people in crisis.

The Trussell Trust’s chief executive Emma Revie said: “More people than ever before are being forced to food banks’ doors in Wales. Our benefits system is supposed to protect us all from being swept into poverty, but currently thousands of women, men and children are not receiving sufficient protection from destitutio­n.

“This is not right. But we know this situation can be fixed - our benefits system could be the key to unlocking people from poverty. This general election, all political parties must pledge to protect people from hunger by ensuring everyone has enough money for the basics.

“We want our next government to start working towards a future where no one needs a food bank by ending the five week wait for Universal Credit; ensuring benefit payments cover the cost of living; and investing in local emergency support for people in crisis.”

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