South Wales Echo



things that can be smelled, and one thing that can be tasted.

Changing the field of vision, ie. looking out of a window, helps to reset the brain and counting from five to one helps to calm the heightened energy from the row, while engaging each of their senses to take them out of their heads and into their bodies. Plus, you’re holding their hands all this time and skin-to-skin touch is very soothing.


THESE are challengin­g times for all of us, including children, so behavioura­l outbursts and sibling tensions are to be anticipate­d.

The situation may explain certain behaviour, but that doesn’t mean it should automatica­lly excuse it, so ensure you use more creative discipline to teach behaviour you want to see, rather than just punishing behaviour you don’t want.

Aim for connection over correction by separating warring siblings and having them each make a card for the other including three things they like about the other. Then they must exchange the cards and read aloud what nice things they’ve said about each other. This helps refocus them on what they like about each other rather than what they don’t like, and this shift fuels (re)connection.

If they complete this quickly, that’s the consequenc­e over and done with, but if they protest that they like nothing about their sibling, they must sit for however long it takes to complete the task. You assigned the consequenc­e, but how long it goes on for is within their control.

 ??  ?? Tensions between siblings are to be expected in these troubling times
Tensions between siblings are to be expected in these troubling times
 ??  ?? Don’t get pulled into sibling rows
15 Minute Parenting by Joanna Fortune is published by Thread, priced £9.99.
Don’t get pulled into sibling rows 15 Minute Parenting by Joanna Fortune is published by Thread, priced £9.99.

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