South Wales Echo

WEBCHAT Drakeford ‘very seriously’ planning circuit-breaker lockdown for Wales

- Pamela Lewis

This will achieve what exactly? It didn’t work being locked up for four months, which makes a two-week lockdown laughable. Sage says it will put the contagion back 28 days, but then what? We all go out again and cases will rise just in time for another ‘circuit break’ over Christmas. Then again after that and so on and on and on ad infinitum.

Heather Aldridge

’Very seriously planning’, or writing unanswered letters to Boris, hoping he will do the right thing? (he won’t).

Make a decision based on science. Act now, not when Boris has ignored you even longer. If your house was on fire, Mr Drakeford, would you be sat upstairs writing letters? Pull your finger out! Bob Nicholls

It’s a virus, it’s not going anywhere, even with a lockdown. Perhaps more time should be spent learning how to live our lives with it.

Anthony Colcombe

Lockdown will only work while we are in lockdown!! When it’s lifted it will rise again! It’s a virus that’s with us forever... we’ve just got to learn to live with it!

Kirsty Cartwright

Caerphilly has been in lockdown for three weeks, not forgetting the months prior. My son can’t come from Scotland as a result. I have not seen my family for over a year and am alone. What about my mental health? Let’s get on with life.

Nancy Douglas

not rules from Govt.

Lockdown only suspends the impact, what plan is there to come out of lockdown in a better place? Easy to lock down but much harder to come out of it as we have seen previously. Only behaviours can make this work

Richard Barnes

Don’t think these people have any common sense.

They just want to control us all. Lynn Newitt

This is not going to work. When kids go back to school we will be back there again, it’s the time of year everyone gets colds and flu in case you didn’t know. Lockdowns are not working, people are fed up with all this now.

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