South Wales Echo

WEBCHAT Cardiff terrorist who left Wales to fight for Isis in Syria wants to come home

- Mkim Thomas

Who cares, leave him in Syria, he knew what they were up to killing innocent people. He should either be in jail or do unpaid labour out there.

Maria Blakemore

Poor excuse for human being doesn’t deserve to be breathing let alone being allowed back in our country. Keep the scum out! Jackie Jones

They should not be let back into this country. These people chose to fight, torture and kill innocent people. London Bridge comes to mind.

Allan Addiscott

We don’t want you back! I don’t want a penny of my hard-earned taxes being spent on having to have you monitored or sent to prison. You’ve made your bed, now literally go disappear. Janet Lewis

So “the grass is no longer greener on the other side” – are we supposed to feel sorry for him? Not a chance! He now wants to come “home” – tough – he can stay in Syria and take whatever is coming to him.

Anita Powell

These people present a lifelong threat to human lives, democracy, freedom of speech etc. It’s been proven in the UK that people on a “watch list” have gone on to murder and maim. You can’t watch these people all the time. Law needs changing to prevent repatriati­on.

Simon Phillips

consequenc­es for his vile actions.

He made his bed when he left, let him lie in it forever.

Marian Lane

None of us will ever be safe with people like this in our country he should have known the

Peter Thomas

If he comes back to UK theres a risk that he might radicalise other inmates in prison. So please dont let him come back for safety of the public.

James Holand

He was already claiming fraudulent benefits while working. He knew exactly what he was doing. He renounced his British citizenshi­p when he sneaked out of the UK to be a terrorist.

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