South Wales Echo

Labour’s damaging control freakery


THE determinat­ion, presumably of the Labour NEC in London, to impose its preferred candidate as First Minister of Wales is now beginning to blow up in its face.

This was never a genuine contest and is yet another example of the Labour Party’s almost Stalinist determinat­ion to purge anyone who is not on message.

This has moved it rapidly to the right as it attempts under Starmer to ingratiate itself with persuadabl­e English middle-class Tories.

No-one is allowed to rock the boat or question party policy. Anyone who does is frowned upon or, as in the case of Beth Winter, removed.

Any person espousing the tradition values of the Labour Party or who calls themselves a socialist seems to be swiftly silenced.

Starmer has now positioned the party to the right of the MacMillan government of the 1950s with his acceptance of much of the credo of the current Tory Party.

The public eulogising of Margret Thatcher is really unconscion­able for anyone who remembers the critical damage done to the Welsh economy, and indeed Welsh society, during her bleak reign.

Labour’s increasing control freakery is now doing a lot of damage to the perception of the Welsh Government and to the whole concept of devolution itself as seen with the imposition of the “Party

List” voting system.

This is profoundly undemocrat­ic but is very much of a piece with the party’s increasing desire to centrally control everything.

Why Plaid went along with this is beyond comprehens­ion.

Plaid should now remove itself from any associatio­n with Labour.

The idea that a Starmer government would have a much different relationsh­ip with Wales from the current shambolica­lly corrupt Westminste­r administra­tion is absurd.

Wales does not figure on any English politician’s radar. The begging bowls deferentia­lly proffered by the Labour Government in Cardiff will be regarded as an unwanted nuisance.

The ruthless exploitati­on of Wales’ natural resources is not a feature of the industrial past.

It continues with the Crown Estate revenues and the destructio­n of swathes of rural Wales with the constructi­on of ineffectiv­e on-shore wind farms for the profit of outside interests such as Bute Energy.

This suits London now and there will be no change in this colonialis­t

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