South Wales Evening Post

For amateur sports?


says supporters and other spectators should be limited at this stage to only those who need to be at an event (parents/guardians of children who require their attendance for health or safeguardi­ng reasons).

The guidance also says all spectators are to remain socially and physically distanced from each other and from the area of play while attending events, including accessing and leaving the venue, use of any facilities and while watching game play.

Anyone on the area of play, or closer to it than social distancing rules would permit, will count towards the total number of people considered to the gathered for the organised outdoor activity: a maximum of 30.

Spectators should also not touch any equipment: for example, if a cricket ball crosses the boundary, wait for a player to retrieve it rather than returning the ball yourself.

Fans who want to attend matches to watch are advised to contact their local club beforehand to check if spectators are permitted to attend.

Why are some indoor and outdoor facilities still now allowed to open?

The Welsh Government says: “We are learning more about the virus every day and we know the risk of transmissi­on is lower outdoors than indoors. However, a lower risk doesn’t mean no risk.

“Even in these circumstan­ces, it is vital we all maintain physical distancing so we can continue to tackle the spread of this virus. Some facilities carry a greater risk of transmissi­on where surfaces or equipment are shared between people, such as playground­s and gyms.”

Can I organise a group activity myself?

No. The activity needs to be organised by a business, a public body or charitable institutio­n, a club, or the national governing body of sport or other activity.

So, who can I play sport or exercise with?

Well, if you’re not taking part in an “organised” activity, the rules around this haven’t actually changed in light of the Welsh Government’s latest announceme­nt on team sports.

If you’re not taking part in what is defined as an organised outdoor activity, you must play sport or exercise alone, or with members of your household, or your extended household if you have formed one, and/or with members of one other household or extended household. Physical distancing when meeting anyone who’s not from your household (or your extended household if you have formed one) is essential to stop the spread of the virus.

How do extended households work?

There are some restrictio­ns around them, and they are not to be entered into lightly.

There is no limit on the number of people who can be in an extended household, providing they all live in the two households being joined together.

Only two households are able to join together to form an extended household and only one extended household can be formed.

These limits on the number of households will help to prevent the virus spreading.

They will enjoy the same legal freedoms people living in individual households currently have – such as being able to meet indoors, have physical contact and stay in each other’s homes. Everyone living in the two households which form the extended household must belong to the same extended household.

Once you have agreed and formed an extended household, you can’t switch to pair up with someone else instead. This is to reduce the risk of spreading coronaviru­s. You also cannot substitute members of the household either.

As long as only two extended households are meeting, there is no restrictio­n on the number of people who can meet outdoors at any one time. Gathering with members of more than one other extended household at the same time, however, is still not allowed under the coronaviru­s regulation­s.

Can I play a sport at my local park with friends?

It depends who you want to play with. Can you go for a kickabout in a public place with five friends who all live in different houses?


But kickabouts in local parks or green spaces (where a social distance can be maintained), for example, in non-organised activities are allowed – but only with members of your household, or extended household if you have one, and/or one other household, or their extended household if they have formed one.

If you are a part of an extended household and a friend is in a separate extended household, you could theoretica­lly take part in football-based activity with a total of three households (the house that makes up your extended household, your friend’s, and the household that makes up their extended bubble) - but you would have to socially distance with players not in your extended household, and therefore no contact would be permitted with them either.

In terms of sharing equipment - like footballs and rugby balls for training drills, etc. - people must take all reasonable steps to adhere to social distancing duty and not share equipment, but where that isn’t possible, they must sanitise hands and equipment.

Can outdoor sports classes take place? What about gyms?

Yes, outdoor sports classes can take place but only if no more than two households or extended households are taking part at any one time and social distancing is maintained at all times.

As for outdoor gyms, they will be able to open from July 20 but some owners and operators may need extra time to prepare for their safe reopening. Operators will have discretion over when they consider it safe and viable to open and may decide to keep these areas closed for the time being.

Can you car share to play sports?

Participan­ts are encouraged to follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and limiting car sharing, but people from one household and extended household can travel together in a vehicle. Clubs should strictly limit the time spent congregati­ng at a venue before activity begins.

Where possible, players must arrive changed and shower at home. Use of changing and shower facilities is not allowed at this stage, unless for exceptiona­l circumstan­ces like if supporting disabled athletes, or if a child needs a change of clothing.

What’s next?

The next formal review of the regulation­s in Wales is due by July 30.

The Welsh Government says it is discussing with local authoritie­s and other operators how gyms, leisure centres, fitness studios and swimming pools can introduce measures to safely open. Further work is being undertaken about the risk of coronaviru­s in swimming pools.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Together we are making good progress to tackle the spread of this virus. It is thanks to the efforts we have made together that we are able to lift the restrictio­ns and re-open more parts of our society and economy.

“However, the threat from coronaviru­s has not gone away and only by all of us acting responsibl­y will we be able to keep Wales safe. This means maintainin­g social distancing, thinking carefully about where we go and why.”

 ?? Picture: Wales News Service ??
Picture: Wales News Service

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